Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Excellent point from @TreatyStones above. If it just gets left up to the health officials they will say lock it down indefinitely but other things need to be considered also.

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My source in the construction industry tells me there is a new series of online training videos available which anyone going onsite will need to have completed. Similar to a SafePass.

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They’ll drive lads round the twist is they roll it for a month. Would they not con us with a two week extension

Exactly. If health was your sole remit you’d probably be best served by a lockdown til eternity

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Press play and go on away about your business in other words

Take temperature before they come on site is in place where sites are open.

Has Breda approved these measures?

Breda’s all for it, Maura has her doubts, Nuala still undecided


FFS Nuala!

They might convince Nuala on their walk this evening while they bad mouth any of the locals who might have breached the guidelines.

Until they re-open schools and creches things are not going to return to normal.

Hold the line.

Leo will have the whole nation watching him on Friday night, he will have good news for everyone you can be sure

That’s a shocking fake @Lazarus.

Department of the Taoiseach is a phrase they’d never use.

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Pretty damning for the open it up to fuck merchants


Germans have from today made it mandatory to wear masks when outside home.

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Street parties in Limerick city estates last night, cops only driving past them, a funeral in Raheen church earlier today and two of the plebs standing there next to the hearse.

Given the incubation period for the virus, that doesn’t past the smell test.

Cases rose by 0.74% today, a little over 1,000. Their cases were 1,700+ a day last week up until Sunday.

Where is he sourcing that?

I’ve cancelled my trip to dingle this weekend because the R is more than 1 in Germany.