Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Yes, they’ve been open this past week.


He is firmly settled in your Head & rent free too.

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The contact tracing narrative is largely a red herring, another bullshit narrative by governments to cover their arse. There are two major reasons why it isn’t the answer to ending lockdowns.

The first is the fact that the incubation period for COVID-19 can be up to 12 days, 5 days on average. So if someone tests positive you have to contact trace everyone they may have been near for nearly the past two weeks. Good luck with that. Lancet Health global health scientists have said that contact tracing will only work if “less than 1% of transmission occurred before the onset of symptoms”. If anything COVID-19 is the opposite, people are most contagious before symptoms begin.

The second reason is the mode of transmission of the virus, we know it lives on some surfaces for days and can live in aerosol form in the air for hours (the reason for masks). So for example, someone who tested positive who had been taking the Luas for the past two weeks, you would have to contact trace everyone who rode that Luas for the past two weeks. Good luck with that.

The implied suggestion is that everyone identified as being at risk should quarantine for two weeks. Even if the above could be implemented, the result would be almost everyone would be in quarantine, another word for lockdown.

Contact tracing is part of the solution in terms of protecting the elderly and vulnerable, especially in care homes and hospitals, but it’s simply not practical for the broad population. The only practical short term answer to reducing transmission is social distancing and wearing masks, the only long term answer to fighting COVID-19 is herd immunity.


Not half as settled as Barneycurley has resided in yours. Not really renting though, more like owning it. Its been truly fascinating to watch.


just landed in the letterbox, the pink one looks nice and dapper

@gaillimhmick. That video you posted of the press conference held by the two doctors in Bakersfield CA has been taken down by YouTube for “violating community guidelines”. Questioning the official narrative on COVID-19 and government’s approach to fighting it is now being censored by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.

Herd immunity is the only way forward. For christ sake is Ireland going to stay locked down forever??? the fucking clowns in charge haven’t a notion

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Government managing expectations here. The relaxations (is that a word?) won’t be as good as people want so they are floating the “no change” line out so that the minor changes will be seen as good news instead of bad

The Social Media giants are shitting a collective brick

Comed-Ian Burke

Just now ·

So Facebook have removed my latest video where I inject bleach as it contained self harm. They are now sending me this message every hour just to make sure I’m okay and not endangering myself :sweat_smile:

No photo description available.

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Ah here, you gom.

Its funny because its true. You have been going around like billybigbollox for sometime now. Hopefully your dealer has replenished your supply and you can relax a bit. Have a hash brownie for yourself and lighten up.

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Thinly veiled ‘my mates are thick as shit’ from @Horsebox here. Reply working fine @Rocko

Not if the below is to be believed

If that is the case would exposure to the least aggressive strain for the community be somewhat the lesser of 2 evils if it means that there could be another more potent form? With suppressed immunity due to lockdown and presuming we will all be coming out to face the music at some stage could we be in an even more vulnerable position if we haven’t had some exposure to the lesser form.

Lockdown has been a cod… People get their own house in order before blaming government… Wankers. You lockdown properly for 5 weeks and tracing becomes less of an issue… But oh no needy cunts feel obliged to show what community spirit they have by having street parties… Or out and about en masse for a stroll… Shite hawks… Shop once a week should be only movement past front gate for most…


Lads simply don’t know how to hold the line. They’ve fucked us.

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In fairness you’ve led the line here, shoving the wife out the door to do the weekly shop.


One little jolt back and you start flailing like a child wanting their treat :smile:

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Lads out in the park giving out about ladies out in the park.

The Micks think rules only apply to other people.

They’re all billy big balls with I’ll go here there and everywhere next week - they crucified lads who had the same attitude and went to Cheltenham.