Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Don’t shove her,it’s one spin a week…She loves the break from the kids and moreso me!.. She picks a time that’s relatively quiet, if there is a queue, she passes time ringing her family and friends …its really no big deal…or do you think its a man’s job to go?

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hold the line for the rest of yer life, sad to see the FG yes men roll over and just take it


My blood sugar levels must be low. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

:smile: oh lord.

Explaining =

He has a lovely voice though so it’s all ok.

@StoneCold. All viruses mutate, not usual to see mutants that are more virulent and less. If you develop immunity to one strain of SARS-Cov-2, it should help with any future strain as the antibodies would be similar. In the same way we develop immunity to the common cold, and it impacts us less as we grow older.

Immunity is the only answer, whether through natural immunity or a vaccine. Otherwise stay locked down forever. This virus will be with us for decades or centuries, and will mutate into new strains we have to deal with. We simply have to adapt to live with it.

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Vindication for Breda


59 new deaths. Fuck

299 cases


229 cases

Just as we were speculating here at the weekend given the date of the first death. First case from early to mid February, the first real restrictions were from March 13th, with people practicing social distancing two weeks in advance. Two weeks of it going around the country with people barely paying attention to it.

I notice RTÉ have decided to go with another sensationalist headline with the “approaching 20,000” line. That’s 1.1% we have there, lowest % growth yet.

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You’re late to the party pal… @Fagan_ODowd, in between baking cakes, has been questioning my manliness because my wife does the shopping …

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Its fairly obvious now that these clowns haven’t a notion. 59 dead ffs. That’s horrendous. Community transmission out of control with all their talk and bullshit lockdown. That twerp Varadkar going to turn around now at the weekend and basically give the Irish people a smack on the bottom and tell them stand in the bold corner for another 2 weeks because they got complacent. A load of apes on here lapping it up thinking they are doing a great job Jesus I’m choking with the anger here


Is the median age high enough to be deemed a good result by the FG/RIC lads?

British Airways announced 12,000 redundancies today. 2009 will seem like a walk in the park compared to what’s coming.


The Economy will be fine when this is all over

Contrary to popular belief, magic money trees do exist and they will be used to get the economy back on its feet.

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You can’t tell some lads, pal.

You’ve a teacher on here sure gloating about this being the best time of his life.


there’s a day of reckoning coming, the worst depression in 300 years, 1929 will be a like a teaparty. Paddy sitting at home on 340 a week thinking its great