Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They will be halving that soon enough.

I’m genuinely happy for my fellow TFKers if they’re enjoying life right now, I’m in a reasonable situation myself, but there’s a few lads on here who need to take their heads down from their holes and realise it’s not sunshine and lollipops for everyone and that wiping out the tourism and service industry overnight and for the foreseeable future is going to destroy us.


IAG own BA, and Aer lingus.

Irish sport under attack lads

I happened to pass the four courts today while gemma’ s gang were having their little shindig. Obviously no social distancing going on there. Across the road the the council lads were tarring the road. Around 15 of them there. No regard for social distancing whatsoever. Same for the dozen or so guards and journalists around the place. The rest of the city centre much the same. Nobody gives a fuck any more

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I’m a fairly easy going fella, I’m sure it would please you no end if I was miserable but I’m a glass half full sort of chap, I’m doing just fine, doesn’t mean I have no sympathy for people affected in all sorts of ways by this,
But I’m working as hard as ever and enjoying it less, you can make what you want of that,

You need to worry a bit less about me though, I’ve no idea what’s upset you so much??
You’re shoehorning me into every grumble you have out of nowhere


Some people dont like to see others happy. Personally I’d be delighted to see a teacher so happy, the positivity rubs off on your students no doubt.

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He’s rarely happy when I go for a pints in malahide. He does seem very happy In general but can be very bitter towards people that are enjoying themselves.


I wonder what the demand for tests is now. They are obsessed with 100k a week but is that really needed before more restrictions are lifted? Yes I know they want to do ongoing monitoring of nursing homes & hospital workers, but the much vaunted have only about 200 cases in the last couple of weeks and aren’t testing like mad.

In fact they only tested over 15k in a day once and they have 10 times the population. If it is still an issue with inefficiency in results, how can we be processing 5-6 times the number of cases a day than they did (per capita) and not be able to turn results around quickly? That suggests that a cog in the testing wheel is not working correctly.

SK have also really slowed down on their testing - they did around 325k in March but just 180k in April, as demand has slowed significantly. At our rate of current testing we could still be churning out around 250k tests a month with 10 times less the population.

Are the HSE just trying to prove that they can get to 15k a day or something?

I think people are fairly sceptical about catching it outside unless in a big crowd.

Why do you keep talking about pints in Malahide mate, have you mixed me up with someone else?
How often have I mentioned it that I’m ‘rarely’ happy?

You’ve called it out there - you’re a waster with no get up and go, happy to run around the place spying on travellers and taking photos of a few bread rolls rather than teach your students.

You’re actually thieving from the state judging by your posting timeline.


Your always bent out of shape whether over it whether it be malahide or Brandon. It’s really strange. You paint the perfect life on here which is grand but anybody else that seems to be enjoying themselves really grates with you for whatever reason.

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Weren’t you very bitter towards lads having a drink or two at home a few weeks ago?

Airlines are fucked. Nobody with kids is going away without them on a plane and risking being stuck away in quarantine, business travel will be limited as zoom will be a substitute, planes are a high risk place to catch a virus, you could be turned back with a temperature etc etc

Try and book a hotel in Kerry in August and we’re all in this together looks fairly thin - they’ll have a market in domestic tourism if they don’t take the piss

Fuck sake lads. Give it a fucking rest will ye.


Aim high so failure doesnt fuck up country

Fucking up the country includes unnecessarily prolonging restrictions just do some mandarin can reach a KPI.


Paddy wants to know