Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Leo is going to need a better of a speech this weekend

Continued restrictions will push some people to the edge

People are absolutely delusional (or ignorant) to the level of damage done domestically and globally. Millions unemployed now relying on gov payments, hoping banks continue to suspend mortgage payments, whole service industries wiped out but you’ve a few here sitting at home in a couple of handy unaffeceted job saying to ‘hold the line’ It’s actually crazy, the road we’ve gone down. Those 12,000 BA jobs aren’t coming back any time soon. I hate most of the cunts on here.


I love pointless kpi but no point measuring unless they give us something to aim for reducing restrictions like Feance have announced

Their kids will be paying for it.


The ingnorance of some lads to that fact is outstanding.

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Here come the cavalry.


It’s mad really. Everybody is expected to go to the shops and use a bit of hand sanitizer then home to bolt up. The shops where the whole community is congregating! Not a problem at all. Walk or cycle more than 2km from your gaff on your own in the fresh air and you’re a monster. It’s the blind leading the blind here.


Those hungry cunts will go out of their way to fleece you.

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Over 70’s in the later stage of their life being told they can’t go anywhere - not even trusted to social distance.

This can’t continue for 18 months.

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It’s ok. Pencil neck will talk down to the people on Friday night and the job will be oxo.


It’s just paddy following what other countries have done and now waiting to see how it pans out. That’s all the measures are. Cowardly, ruderless government and leadership.


Might give his lawn a second cut on twitter.

Ireland are the 7th worst in Europe but Paddy wants to be let out the May weekend for a few choc-ices.


60 million jobs at risk in Europe. 50 million in the US. Millions more across Asia. But it’s ok, Ireland will be grand, unlimited cash for everyone that will never have to be repaid.


Bake some cakes and a few 2km walks, what’s all the fuss about?

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They gave the target weeks ago.

Watching this tony holohan chap here on the news and he gives the impression he’s an awful spoofer. Does he ever bother going in to any depth on what the metrics him and his fellow experts are using to make these decisions? I’ve a pain in my hole with this now.


Sing a bit of opera under your granny’s balcony.


Good point made in here. This doctor (not a Fox News guy) went on there before this interview. More liberal organisations wouldn’t hear of it. They don’t want to talk about unemployment and the economic consequences of this - but they’re the first people to cite bad health outcomes due to poverty. 30m unemployed in the US and many more in their families left with little but it will all be fine. Let’s just keep things locked down until a vaccine.