Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The lads in meaningless jobs are getting hysterical.

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And overall we have achieved it. Pat on the back to the public. Back to lockdown lads as we’ve no plan and didnt expect you to be so good. Love being treated like a child

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Exhibit A


He’s an out of his depth company man.

The fact that he’s now running the country without question for fear of upsetting the hold the line - hysteria clique says it all.

Facts are - we’ve no proper testing done, contract tracing never really happened and we’re playing the waiting game to see how other countries get on game is a total disgrace. All the while leaving our ports and airports open.

This lockdown has totally and utterly failed our most vulnerable in nursing homes as well. A complete after thought.

But sure, its grand when you can bake a few bread rolls etc.


It’s not time to make a change
Just relax take it easy
You’re still young , that’s your fault
Theres so much you need to know


You must be flahed out from snoozing down the back of the VC all day.

He changed his tune between January and March on a lot of things as circumstances changed. That’s fine, but we don’t just stop paying attention now either.

Denmark started to open back up 2 weeks ago with far less tests completed and a higher case growth rate than us. It’s getting to the point where we should see how disastrous any changes are, in reality their case rate growth is pretty much the same as ourselves right now. Their ICU rate, like ours, looks stable.

Sweden’s numbers are not near the catastrophe predicted by many with similar falls in case growth and ICU admissions.

They don’t just have to wait and see for countries just opening up now, there are examples there already.

Huh? I’m not putting any jobs on a tier here, but I can pick out the industries being ravaged. Are you saying you’re better than others because you don’t work in the service industry, airlines, construction…on the latter, I thought housing was a national emergency a couple of months ago.

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No I’m saying you’re hysterical.

I assume the difference is those Scandanavian countries haven’t had successions of governments who have taken the path of running down public services and infrastructure and are much better able to cope with things as a result.

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The lack of zen here is terrifying. I tried to help lads, they wouldn’t listen. Hold the line lads, stay the course.


What you reckon so? Open it back up?

Patience. Fortitude.


Find a girl
Settle down
It you want you can marry
Look at me I am old
But I’m happy


Yes, in a measured way similar to several other European countries - what we’re doing with the hiding under the bed stance is not achieving anything other than an economic catastrophe.

As an aside, I don’t think its fair to use the term meaningless in relation to an honest job.

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You’re right fine gael are making an absolute cunt of this.

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I knew this day would come. Lads have lost it.

I fear for the Gardai and what they’ll have to deal with over the coming days.


Good point mate, the lockdown isn’t working open it up

Ironically the lads in the HSE who have the country destroyed because of their ineptitude are the only ones guaranteed their jobs these days

I was once like you are now
And I know that it’s not easy
To be calm when you’ve found
Something going on
But take you’re time ,
Think a lot
Think of everything you’ve got
For you will still be here tomorrow
Though you’re dreams may not