Coronavirus - Close the Airports

We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.

You must follow your own path in this life. You have the knowledge and the tools. I pray you make the right choice.

@iron_mike put on only fools and horses there like a good man.

Hey Taoiseach, leave our pints alone.


Early in the week to be so sauced up, mate.

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Nobody has really commented on how this issue is turning tfk on its head. Nearly all the right wing anti change crowd are arguing against fg lockdown and the pro change lefties are agreeing with current fg policy on lockdown


It’s not really mate :grin:

Open things up in a measured way? Isn’t that the plan only you don’t like how we compare to the measures?

Look, Ireland was a bit slow and hasn’t managed this whole thing brilliantly. But now lads are getting bored and hysterical and shouting that they want to be let out, even though we’re not at a manageable level yet and opening up too soon could lead to dire consequences.

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the socialist paradise we dreamed of was not East Germany

I pointed out weeks ago that economic collapse will have worse health effects than the virus and I maintain that position.

As bad as our health service was before this, it’s going to be a complete shambles after it. And there’ll be no money to fix it.

Ways of getting people back to work SAFELY need to be implemented asap. If it’s safe for people to be in a supermarket so long as they are implementing social distancing, there is no reason why it wouldn’t be safe in any other workplace.


All the times
That I’ve tried
Keeping all the things I knew inside
It’s hard but it’s harder to ignore it.
If they were right, I’d agree
But its them they know not me not me
Now theres a way and I know
That I have to go away


There seems to be no plan whatsoever though,mate, that’s what’s frustrating me personally.

They seem happy to just let this roll on without considering for or caring about the other obvious impacts.

The nursing home deaths are abhorrent - questions have to be asked about their lack of thought there.

This lockdown has failed hundreds of elderly in those homes and has destroyed the lives of the rest of that demographic.

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Can’t see how anyone can argue against this. There are loads more workplaces could be safely opened up

This is a fair shout but in essence we are fucked as a Globe, Continent etc.
Even if we open up from current restrictions there is no immediate magic bounce that we can be sure of.
Of course people can kind of get back to past routines but you can’t call the Authorities actions completely mad when the unknowns are so high.

We’ve had so many cockahoop remedies thrown out but none so far proving fruitful, even Herd Immunity is now being played down.

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What plan? If you’ve heard a plan other than, eh we’ll wait and see, can you share it?
Spain and Italy have plans and they were absolute shit shows. Shouldn’t we have a plan?

Something about pints or ice cream will be your reply. I suppose if everyone was guaranteed their jobs no matter how long this goes on for lads would be a lot less anxious about getting back to work.

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Free the people!
Let them have their say
Free the people!
Let them see the light of day

Our infrastructure has coped fine.

Sweden also increased their ICU capacity, just like us, so this notion about infrastructure needs to be put to bed.

I’ve asked you before and I’ll ask you again on health, can you give us when the golden age of healthcare was in this country that was “ran down”?

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So the usual form you, jump in and then scurry off.

Lockdown has been in for nearly 6 weeks now at different stages

The infrastructure and abysmal public services is why it’s been sustained, if Ireland was to follow the Swedes or Danes, that is when it would likely get very, very serious.

It’s years and years of government mismanagement and incompetence that means Ireland is very poorly equipped for this.

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