Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Incorrect, Italy was the centre of the outbreak of the virus in Europe. It did not have have all the natural advantages that a small island at the arsehole end of Europe had in terms of geographics, demographics and location.

So, with half the workforce unemployed, it’s justified to keep government spending at current levels?

Complete horseshit mate, cut the civil service in half it would make no difference at present. Bring them back as needed.


The soundbites leading up to an austerity budget is the equivalent to all we’re getting.

In fairness, Tony Holohan has time yet before Friday to make up his mind on the number of weeks extension.

The daily briefing it generally around 17.45 or thereabouts.
Does the suave, smooth-talking Tony look like a muldoon who ates the spuds at 13.00hrs.
He does in my arse. It’s as you were, we’re in the trenches now, it’s fight or flee.

Personally I don’t see what all the brúha is about. The “experts” make the difficult calls, Paddy does what’s asked and we all survive mainly un-scathed. It isn’t easy but it’s what’s going to keep us safe. One, one unnecessary death is one too many.


The subtext was that many of the high paying or sought after jobs produce nothing and are of no benefit to society, whereas many of the lowest paying jobs are the most necessary and important, and that fact has been thrown into the spotlight.

No. We need to increase government spending.

You’re a bit of a dimwit so you wouldn’t understand. I’ll leave you there.

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I see chaos with Jason Statham has just started on film 4. A good watch

[quote=“glasagusban, post:2951, topic:30948, full:true”]
The subtext was that many of the high paying or sought after jobs produce nothing and are of no benefit to society, [/quote]

You mean all the higher levels of the civil service, especially the useless fucks in the HSE?

that pretty unfair, grandparents under house arrest, kids hearing nothing but bad news and death on the news and being scared, the risk of losing our jobs - a bit more than being bored


Except it’s been shown this was spreading for 5/6 weeks before a lockdown. The Irish infrastructure did not creek. ICU admissions peaked from cases before the lockdown was introduced

And again, Irish ICU beds were at Danish levels and indeed higher than Sweden. Both, like Ireland, increased their capacity.

Please but forward an actual argument here other than just rehashing dullard talking points. I’m actually criticising the governments approach at this point in time but anything outside the emotive language space and blame game country is a difficult concept for a great many people. The reason they won’t make a decision here is because of the likes of you. I thought you hated cowards?


There are lots of jobs which are of benefit to society which are currently restricted.

Your hot take is fairly shit and quite tone-deaf


Standard issue from him at this point, the mask always slips.

He’s grand WFH as long as he has his tenants paying his mortgage.

It’s €350 mate but to expand on a point above there will be hundreds of millions globally out of work soon. The implications of that from a societal point of view will be catastrophic in terms of people’s financial well being and more importantly their health especially mental health.

Anyone with half a brain must realise without a functioning economy any government simply won’t have to means to generate revenue to fund essential services be it health, education etc. This is a nightmare scenario that effects everyone.


Glas also told us to wait for the Easter surge.

The economy is just on pause guys - don’t worry about it.

The magic money trees are going to take care of it.


Before I commit, I hope there’s nothing controversial in it? Like Statham is a right handed left hand on top hurler or didn’t finish his journalism degree?

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Nothing like that. Just mindless violence. But it’ll do you less harm then then hanging around on this thread

I prefer the term “in hibernation” Makes it sound more like spring is coming

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Ok it was a simple jibe at the likes of three who liked your post there, there’s no need to get all prissy about it.

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lets see what Cillian has to say here to Miriam