Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Hurry up @Bandage ffs

Id say you’re imagining that kid

That Mark Paul article in the Irish Times linked above was good. Most reasonable people supported a lockdown, and would continue to support one based on current case numbers if they weren’t being bullshitted.

They haven’t sorted out the testing and tracing despite having ample warning to get processes in place. Not only are they not keeping their side of the bargain, they’re starting to blame the general public instead (not just Breda, Maura and Nuala).

They’re also making public commitments and announcing that targets for testing and tracing numbers will be met imminently, but that article showed some of this talk to be disingenuous at best and blatant lies in some instances.

Then there’s the double speak, evasion and spin by a load of them in interviews and press conferences.

It’s scandalous really. I haven’t seen my cleaner since the second week of March.


That is a headshot

Excellent, thanks @iron_mike I’m in. Some senseless death and a computer virus designed to cause an economic catastrophe is exactly what I need to get my mind off this Covid-19 stuff.
I’m off to make the pop corn.

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They will be let out and the next day back on here “never drinking again” “day for netflix” etc

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Argentinian government bonds look like being the first to default or at least re-finance… magic money indeed.

Better link -

Would there be a big correlation between the lads calling for things to open up and lads posting on the drinking and Netflix threads?

Them Argentines have been defaulting for 30 years. You’d want your head examined etc


Im happy enough drinking away at home for another few weeks if thats the sacrifice I need to make

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High return on them I suppose in the good times.

In between economic crashes.

No good deed and all that.

The million people who lost their jobs, businesses and their families security, literally overnight, mightn’t agree here


Sure they can drink at home mate. Bitta boredom is all it is.

A load of bruha over nothing is all it is

Cunts put pineapple in my pizza again tonight

Short of wearing a Tipperary jersey I can’t think of a worse act

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Lifting the restrictions this weekend or in a months time will have little impact on return to work for many. Builders wont be back next week. Pubs wont be open next week. Resteraunts wont be open next week

It’s just lads who are bored of netflix says the mindless drones getting their uninterrupted publicly funded gov salaries. A window into their cosseted little minds.

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When the €350 a week runs out there’s a serious reckoning coming.