Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Is it a million lost their job or were laid off ?

If theres no bread, let them eat cake

What’s your point?

Any business that can implement social distancing should be open.

1.1m on the dole last I heard.

Increase of roughly 750,000.

A million and counting

There will be blood

We’ll have to have a purge. Only way round it

My point is fairly clear. Relaxing the lockdown this weekend wont mean all those businesses will reopen any time soon.

Your opinion that they should is irrelevant, rightly or wrongly, because they simply wont be allowed to reopen.

So we can relax the lockdown this weekend if we want. But its a complete red herring to say doing so is the path back to economic recovery


There’s some hope with laid off at least, it offers some chance of getting job back… Whereas losing job means its gone completely.

Ok point taken. But it’s surely further on the road to recovery than everything staying shut?

They can repossess the house before I relinquish that tv

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If we got a 100,000 people back to work next week in areas that aren’t too dangerous we’d save €35m a week. Not to mention income taxes, people having more money to spend paying their mortgages etc. Is that money better spent saving nursing homes? These are the questions realists need to ask

I think its irrelevant . There has been little or no real prep done for the return to work for lot of industry…if you thought they would all be back in a month then would it make a difference if we were in lockdown for another three weeks?

To peoples mentality maybe but immaterial to economic recovery. There will be a raft of announcements over the next few weeks about linger terms social distancing…masks for e.g. will be commonplace in workplaces but they just don’t have the supply yet to bring this in…

Economy is absolutely fucked for the foreseeable. A few weeks isnt material

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You should be running the country

What have companies being doing for the last 6 weeks, have they not preparing for the new normal? Implementing new procedures and protocols in preparation for getting back to work.?

It is. But as I responded to batigol…they aren’t ready for it…what 100k would you send back? 35m is a lot of money…but its small in context of 20bn deficit…

Are you discounting the risk of a 2nd wave and a 2nd lockdown? Or do you think nothing we do now can prevent that risk? Being locked down a 2nd time would be the absolute worst outcome IMO so they need to get the return to work piece as right as possible here

They have. Lack of specific requirements from the Govt doesn’t help though

I propose a banning for the next person to post a video pertaining to John Waters or Gemma O D



They can’t go back to work because the government won’t give them a timetable to prepare for it.