Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Desperate that his daughter had to witness that. They could have been fishing for their dinner for all we know.


Absolutely terrible.

Dont know the facts, but that should and could have been handled an awful lot better.

Case closed

Certain elements of the guards are loving their new powers


I’ve lost the keys

Most in fairness have a bit of cop on.

I’d say there was more to it, a lot of poachers and the likes on the banks lately, non permit holders and repeat offenders but Christ the guards taking them away in front of the kid was just stupid, let alone wrong

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Expect plenty of incidents like this over the weekend. It could get ugly.

We are looking at the end of civilization as we know this weekend

Pity people can’t hold the line, there’d be none of this if they did.

So be it.

He was trying to hold the line sure and the guard dragged him off

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What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.

Some men, you just can’t reach.

So you get what we had here last week – which is the way he wants it.

Well, he gets it.

And I don’t like it anymore than you men.

Did tassoti say today that every one in uk is ignoring the restrictions?

If they knew how long they had to hold the line for and were treated like adults I’m sure people would be more compliant and understanding. Anarchy will descend otherwise. You have to bring the people with you.

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He hasn’t had a chance, he’s out drinking cans in the park with the lads

perhaps some elements of construction back next week

Sad to see so many have switched to the Gemma O’Doherty/John Waters side

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No if you give them a whiff of a relaxing of the restrictions they’ll go buck ape and we’ll all be killed

Construction of a government would be a start.

I don’t see any chemtrails in the sky these days. Gemmas on a roll