Coronavirus - Close the Airports

What it looks like now is Tony Holohan is running the country. I’m not sure what Simon Harris has been doing other than breaking in his new lawnmower and Leo is doing his best Michael Scott impression in inner city Dublin. I’m sure all will be revealed Friday anyway. We wont have long more to wait.


Sweet Jaysus Vinnie, if Anne has 5 apples and Barry left the water in the bathroom tap running whats the testing capacity of Ethiopia :upside_down_face:


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Il Duce Holohan is toying with his minions

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We’ve had restrictions, we were told if the numbers went down enough that restrictions would be lifted, they haven’t gone down far enough so the restrictions aren’t being lifted. I feel sorry for people living in towns/cities at the moment mind you

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Hard to believe a shape shifting reptilian lived in Cappamore for a few years. :grin:

In fairness, he’s in a no win situation.

Plenty still do

5 cops including armed response - fishing my hole.
The distress he’s caused his child and the cunt filming her for a reaction is disgusting.


He was looking forward to an over-egged cod for his dinner

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Are you simple? How many times as it been said - there’s no indication that a complete lockdown is much more effective than social restrictions. And this complete lockdown is causing unprecedented damage.

That’s the whole point.

There was an expectation that lockdowns would drive deaths down to zero and the virus would be defeated. It’s taking some people a while to realize neither are possible and the reality is we will have to live with a certain level of infection, serious illness and death. Just like we have done with every other infectious disease in history.


Great policing

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A better reflection of the impact internationally than is being widely reported

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Some will…but not widescale…there are some back already working on social housing schemes and healthcare projects…almost as guinea pigs…one man band electricians etc and plumbers could go back. But it isnt going to be the case of turning the tap back on fully

Ignores Ireland.

Back to work where?

The issue in Ireland is a completely dysfunctional health service that FF and FG have presided over for decades and show a complete disregard to fixing. That’s why the lockdown will probably continue for another significant while.

No fan of the guards but what was that asshole doing out fishing? Why does he think he’s special enough to be out pursuing his hobbies when everyone else is sacrificing their interests?

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The big thing about all this is how badly science has failed us.

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Science is the only hope we have you absolute clown. Who’s going to develop a vaccine, your pope?

We’re doomed so as science is utterly fucking clueless on this.