Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Agree rating. I suspect there’s liquorice all sorts of cover ups, blaming and back stabbing going on.

Apparently coronavirus is now spread by fishing in the middle of nowhere. Welcome to Ireland 2020. The medical dictatorship, aided by the police state, runs the show now. We’re just expected to sit at home and suck on the lockdown lollipop.

The impending recession is a killer. Governments and Central Banks are incapable of thinking outside the box.

Asking people to sacrifice their livelihoods is savage. But without any back up plan. Lending money to businesses and making the banks judge and jury is not going to solve any problems.


What a cunt in fairness. Let’s all go fishing. Poor child. She has no hope.

Give us a few examples of where science has failed, and please don’t mention the statistics crowd as they are not scientists.

What’s saving lives in ICUs currently? Medical techniques and equipment developed by scientists.

You are an absolute stones of a man, an idiot. Go and pray to your pretend God you utter gobshite.

Examples, read the news fuckwit. Scientists haven’t a notion about the bloody thing.

over 100 million jobs are going in the USA and Europe for a start, this is going to be a complete catastrophe

Give us a few examples of where science has failed, idiot clown, or fuck off with yourself.

No mate. You or I haven’t the foggiest clue about their circumstances. The real tragedy in this lockdown debacle is the kids that are caught up in less than ideal home situations, and an excursion like this is probably as good as it gets for them. When you see strong-arm policing like this, it’s clear that a line has been crossed . @Julio_Geordio referenced Tony Holohan and his “I haven’t decided” speech. It should send ripples throughout society and the media, but it won’t.

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They have made absolutely zero inroads against the virus, you gobshite. The fact you need to ask shows how deluded and warped your mind is.

Them scientists haven’t a notion. We’re in exactly the same boat we were in the 1500s sure


What has science ever done for us!!!

A fella using a smartphone to comment to strangers on the INTERNET claiming science is a busted flush…

Ah here. Making excuses. Be grand sure.

Tell us how science has dealt with a lad eating a bat?

Better than a pretend man in the sky


Science needs to get out in front of things like this. They shoulda been ready for a man eating a bat. And don’t give us guff about lack of funding, just get it done.



They have done absolutely fuck all so it’s hard to say how they could have done better than anyone or anything? They haven’t a notion about this virus at all, a load of false white hopes which just confirm they haven’t the faintest idea.

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It’s no surprise that the a self flagellating Opus Dei wanker fanboy for the death cult who burned Bruno at the stake and threatened Galileo with the same is dismissive of science.

I personally know two people who have spent the past few weeks in an ICU, and without the help of a ventilator developed by scientists would be dead, and are now on the road to recovery. You can multiply that by tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands worldwide, including thousands of your beloved Italians.

Who is more likely to develop an effective treatment or vaccine? Scientists or your useless imaginary God? My money is on scientists, you know the same people who eradicated polio and numerous other diseases in history. The next time you’re talking to your imaginary God, ask him why his design “in his own image” is so prone to attack by a mere virus.

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