Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I don’t know what you’re on about. They cleared the backlog in testing demand since early last week. I don’t know anyone who is looking for a test, there’s nobody on here looking for a test. It will be pretty hard to reach a 100k tests if no-one is looking to be tested.

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Nice one… We’ll be eating the local Costa dish of egg and chips by the start of July… :clap:

Fair play to @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

He’ll be wheeling ventilators Around hospitals next



They have publicly stated that they hope to increase the number of tests a week to 100k, you are saying that they are reducing tests because there is no demand for it. I’m asking you to square that one off but I think we can see you don’t know what you’re talking about - you just got suckered into blindly batting for the establishment once again.

So are you saying the government and medical officers are a bunch of dummies?

Maybe stay out of these things anymore if you haven’t a clue what you’re on about.

They set a target for testing capacity, they met the actual demand for tests, now there’s a lag between the two. It’s not that complicated.

I’m not responsible for government statements or indeed the headlines in the Mirror but continue banging your head off the wall if that’s what pleases you.

So if they are well below their targets then why are they cutting back?

That’s a very difficult one for you to square off and we’re still no further in you doing that. If establishment criticism wasn’t such a red rag to a bull for you then you wouldn’t be in this embarrassing situation.

This is not the time to waver lads

You’re really struggling with this. Healthy people aren’t looking for tests.

I don’t see how I am struggling with this.

You waded in with a contradictory statement and have been at odds to try and reconcile your viewpoints for an age now. You were happy enough to let it slide away until your equally dopey sidekick came back and put it right back in the middle of the picture.

Can you square up why you said they are reducing testing when their public pronouncements have been to that their aim is to ramp up testing and have acknowledged that they have been unable to do this due to resources?

Maybe try and address that, dopey.

I’m worried for you pal. You’d been doing so well. Tell me this anger will be cycled out of you later tonight.

Read it over and over if it helps

It’s not anger, it’s energy.


What you have said is factually incorrect so is of no help to me.

They have not cleared the backlog at all. They have narrowed the criteria of tests for people so it’s nothing to do with demand and according to Dr Gascoigne they still have a backlog to get through with care homes etc.

Maybe do your research next time before you decide to blindly wade in for the establishment.

It’s the name calling that disconcerts me

I like getting fired up and in the zone.

It makes me feel alive.

I care for you. Be well.

And have a lovely day

“We have eliminated any backlog for lab testing and we have significantly built up our capacity,” Reid said.
“We are now in a position where we are meeting the existing demands set out under the current definitions,” he added.
