Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Dr Cillian De Gascun, chair of the COVID-19 Expert Advisory Group said the eligibility criteria should change from next week.

“We are still working through the residential care facilities and the long-term care facilities,” he said.

“So, that work is ongoing and that is what we have been using the spare capacity for over the last seven to 10 days.

“We believe that will take us through to next weekend and then we will be able to broaden out the case definition further. That is what we would anticipate.”

Are ye all set for the Christmas lads?


Shooting stars never stop, even when they reach the top.

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There goes a supernova

What a pushova

We’re a long way from home

If we can work through this logically:

  1. They say we can’t exit lockdown until there’s 100k tests per week;

  2. They changed the testing criteria to exclude rafts of people from being eligible for tests;

  3. There won’t therefore ever be 100k tests per week;

  4. They’ve created a vortex where we’re trapped in a lockdown emergency forever under a Fine Gael government.


Welcome to the Gaelic Grounds

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They’re making it up as they go along pal.

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I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it, but they’ve been bullshitting us for weeks.

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Oooooooohhhhh we’re going to Ibiza. Oooooooooohhhhhh back to the island

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They need to grow a pair of balls and announce a phased easing of restrictions.


Has the time come to roll the dice, it has?

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I see they’re bringing in mandatory facemasks in Boston, with a week’s grace before a $300 fine kicks in. Would that be a do-able first step here?

Sorted, cc @anon7035031

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No here is what they might do

Say they are more a hindrance that a help.
Issue an advisory that people shouldn’t wear masks on HSE website as people couldn’t be trusted to wear/take them off properly.
Roll back on previous advise after seeing success in other countries and say we may advise the wearing of masks but not make it compulsory.
When there are enough masks available then they will start making them mandatory and there will be consequences for anyone not wearing one.
Independent publishes an article where a SF representative is flouting the new order.
Joe Duffy gets calls from several irate callers saying Brenda, Nuala and Marion were not wearing their masks down in Supervalu.
Government threathens the public to increase restrictions because people are complacent about the wearing of masks.
It becomes a trendy fad whereby people get personalised masks. Leo gets one with a “Mr Taoiseach” on it with the added bonus of it being reversible and a picture of Justin Trudeau on the other side.


Given what we now know about transmission, you would want your head examined going in to an enclosed space like a grocery store without a mask on.

They were just following WHO/CCP guidelines.

It could be about controlling numbers into the supermarket along with masks for a start-off?

That’s what we have here now, lines outside every store and a lad sanitizing shopping carts.