Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Job is oxo

Same as that here

It’s inevitable here.

Be fair crack queuing outside shops in December here.

We’ll be like lads running after UN food trucks in Africa when @iron_mike swings in with the Nutella


@Copper_pipe. What’s the story with today’s numbers?

Update at 8pm.

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UK added 4419 deaths to their total. A few hundred from hospitals today and the rest supposedly the total from care homes. I’m not buying it.


How is it the likes of Poland and the Czechs are faring so well thus far?

It’s cos they have all the correct czechs in place.

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Less tourism and general air travel in & out? Closing borders early?
Probably a population more adherent to Gov policy?

I could be wrong here, but I think comliance has been very good in Ireland. The social distancing has certainly been adapted by the vast majority


They’re pretty much landlocked areas in Europe, I know Poland has a bit of a coast but it should be an awful lot easier control movement in Ireland than those countries not to mention populations sizes.

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A combination of very little testing, so no idea how many have died of COVID, and lying.

They are no different to Russia or any former Soviet bloc country, all of them are reporting 20 or less deaths per million, total bullshit. You would want you head examined to believe anything from a communist or former communist country.


I would think we probably were highly infected as a population before ever the real action kicked in.

The nation we are means incoming visitors throughout the year is probably bigger than both those Countries?

Maybe @Batigol could confirm? Ireland seems to be busy with tourist all year round so we were open to widespread infection.

All to do with Horse Racing will be first against the wall once this is over.

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Early lockdown. No horsey horse. Borders closed.

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No one believes the numbers here. Government want to avoid having a state of emergency so as not to cancel the Presidential election on May 10th. Testing non existent.


And the cunts still want the Galway races to go ahead

There were passengers from Limerick
And passengers from Nenagh

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