Coronavirus - Close the Airports

And passengers from dublin and sportsmen from tipperary

The COVID-19 death toll in the Republic of Ireland has risen to 1,190 after 31 more deaths were reported today

376 new positive tests were also confirmed, bringing the total known cases to 20,253

How many were yesterday do we know, as opposed to back a week or so?

It’s hard to believe the numbers anywhere.

Russia had none for a long time and then in the space of a week the place was riddled

Not sure. They usually have that sort of data on the Thursday briefings.

I think the number of cases in western countries are fairly accurate, the deaths vary based on whether a positive COVID-19 is required (Germany) or all deaths probably due to COVID-19 are counted.

ah pencil neck Harris will post a tweet on the weekend after the indian smacks ye down for another 3 weeks and it will all be grand, the hold the line crew will lap it up

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Majority of cases now appear to be in hospital or healthcare settings, nursing home residents and healthcare workers. Surly this can now be handled like MRSA or other hospital bugs

I hope not or we are all fucked :joy:

Chief statistical officer Prof. Balbec is adjusting the numbers as I type.
Squaring things off in a manner of speaking.


IBEC prick saying that the economy crisis is overtaking the health crisis,

If we don’t manage COVID correctly then we ain’t got an economy.

Economy is more important at this point, we won’t be able to afford the electric bills for the ventilators if this keeps up for much longer

We won’t have any people to buy anything. Either dead, sick or frightened to go out.

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No, cocooning for the small minority who are vulnerable and the rest of us have to go out and live our lives, catching this thing is the only way of beating this thing, time to get real


Hold the line.

Stay the course

Lockdown has been proven to have zero effect. The micks go for more lock down.

Hold the line so we can deliver mass murder, no thanks

Hammer the hammer