Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Silly comment at this stage. If you are paying any attention to the data, 95-96% of people have mild or no symptoms. Mortality rate for ages 0-18 is effectively zero and 0.01% for 18-49. The only group with high mortality are >75 with other ailments.

The scaremongering needs to stop.



Evidence looks like if you catch it you’re not immune from it.

This is where you see a mans true nature emerge. Don’t crack lads.

Scant evidence that may be the case for a
Minority of people. So what if it has zero or mild symptoms for 95% of people.


And by that logic a vaccine is useless

Nobody should listen to him

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Look at previous pandemics, the only way they were ever overcome was by people tacking them head on and not cowering away like plebs behind their curtain for the rest of their lives. Every day we are hiding we are causing more death

And do you think people are going to willingly go out there and bring the economy back to normal knowing that they are likely to catch it, whether or not they develop serious symptoms?

Agreed. Beatty is a ridiculous surname to boot

Don’t shoot the messenger.

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I’d have ye up and running in a couple of days

Not the chickenshits obviously but most people will be out, now that the hospitals are in order they are ready to start living again

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Tis a fact, bout time the over 75’s got off their Self Entitlement Horse and offered something up to Society. They missed WW1 and were too young to contribute in WW2 , their time is now.

Either that or we try save lives.

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With reasonable protective measures then yes. Things won’t be normal for a good while, but unless the economy is brought back to some degree we are looking at the 1930s or worse.

The only lads arguing against easing restrictions at this stage are those paid to stay at home, whether wfh or paid by government, and expect that will continue for months on end. It won’t.



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So we’ve learned nothing since February on how to protect the vulnerable? That’s a pretty sad state of affairs if true.

What a load of horseshit. Extremely insulting to decent people who have lost their jobs.


Obviously touched a nerve.

Agreed, the current data coming from care homes in this country is abhorrent.