Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Yes you certainly did you heartless wanker.

A lot more decent people are going to lose their jobs in the next few months.


Let us talk no more
Let us go to sleep
Let the rain fall on the window pane
And fill the castle deep
I am weary now
Weary to my bones
Weary from the traffic and the endless country roads
That brought us here tonight

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Ireland wasn’t in those wars. They missed the Vietnam war and the Korean war too


Get fucked you Leitrim cowboy. Simpletons like you are the ones swallowing the horseshit from your government and sleepwalking into an economic depression.

Lazy Fuckers!

Yes unfortunately but then again a lot of people could die.

The aul lad is in his 80s. I picked him up a rowing machine in Lidl last week so he can start raising money for the heath service.


Your attack on people who have lost their jobs as being scroungers was utterly despicable yet right out of your area.

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A lot more people will die of starvation than Covid if this goes on much longer. Food supply chains are collapsing all over the globe. But let’s save 0.1% of the population and kill 10%.

It’s also stopping polio and other vaccination programmes.

We’re all going to die pal.

My uncle is 74 and was stopped going to the shop in Wexford the other night, he was ignorantly told under no circumstances to that again, that shopping would be dropped up to him if he really needed it. imagine that, living your whole life and it coming to this, some shithead of a guard putting you under house arrest


Fellas want to stay in like this all year to ‘save lives’, '‘hold the line’ they say meanwhile the suicide thread is hopping like mad and there is no money to pay for the services needed to protect us from this thing in the first place. You couldn’t make it up

The guards are loving their new powers.

10,000 souls was the opening bid
Soon went up to 55
But the lord didn’t see what the devil did
And said, that suits me fine
I’ll raise you high to 105
And forever put an end to your sins
But the devil let out a mighty shout…

Where did I say that? I said there are people comfortable with wfh or being paid by the government and don’t see the economy collapsing as a threat. They’re not scroungers, they are ignorant of basic economics.

I’m watching Willow here on Disney+. Great stuff.


Ireland is being led into 1700’s style peasantry by incompetent and clueless politicians

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Demanding a detailed plan while offering zero suggestions himself, dozy dickhead.