Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Yes because ‘Hold the line’ ‘Stay the course’ etc are detailed plans

That plan is quite clear.

Hold the line lads, ye are doing great so ye are :sweat_smile:

Inspiational stuff, next they’ll be telling you not all heroes wear capes or something

What’s the death toll on the mainland now?

Nobody knows…


don’t let is slip, too many sacrifices have been made

haven’t a monkeys mate, not do I give one

Will Leo be on the Late Late tomorrow
A lot of people are starting to waiver when it comes to holding the line
Time for a barnstorming Leo speech

I’m hearing offices with aircon - the virus will spread like wildfire. WFH is here to stay until air con systems are modified with additional fillers

The Brits are only starting to count deaths in nursing homes now
Boris is making it up as he goes along it seems

there must be 30 thousand dead here, most of them over 80 with underlying health conditions as far as I can make out

18 out of 19 corona virus’ prefer whiskas cc @simonbooboo

No mate.

Tomorrow is Thursday.


Doitfordan are on Friday night

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Ha. I’m losing it

A straw poll of my colleagues tonight suggests its time to open up a bit. I spoke with my parents and they both agree. The government are either stalling or they’re lying (or both). The curve has been flattened and ICU is under control. The opposition leaders and the media have a job to do here.

Hold the line sunshine

We’re as strong as the weakest link. Don’t be that link.

Ivan Yates came out fully on the open it up to fuck side tonight. Sounded like he had been trying to be measured but said he was sick of politicians passing the buck onto medics and said there had to a more balanced approach.