Coronavirus - Close the Airports

My head is in a spin from the reasons being bandied about for not lifting restrictions. They look like being extended now because of ICU bed capacity. We have been in a constant cycle of 2 and 3 week measures with more to come. When D day or days arrive you start to feel a little optimistic and then you hear the myriad of reasons and mixed messages and it’s a case of here we go again.


We will fight on the beaches no less

It’s like ground hog day with Varadkar at the wheel. Pencil neck beside him


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McGregor needs to post up a video telling all the young lads to stay strong

I’m starting to get a bit fed up with it all now if I’m honest. I really hate this isolation thing, but I was (and still am) willing to do it if it’ll make a genuine difference.

I dont think that is the case any longer though. We are being fed bullshit/kites/photos of lawns/generic statements with no detail. Varadker said we are “not there yet”, yet at no point told us where the fuck there is, or what the plan is to get there.


I told ye where this was going a month ago. Extension after extension after extension. Rinse repeat. Doesn’t really matter now anyway. Irreparable damage has been done to the country. Paddy might as well stay hiding under the bed now. It over.

I was on a call there this evening. There is truth in this. The HVAC in office buildings will need Hepa filters in the future. Big bobs for those

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I agreed with lockdown at the time announcement right thing at the time but it’s clear now that we are past the worst case in the community. Ffg are using lockdown to cover the disaster of nursing homes and sneak through the grand coalition.

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Total and utter lies.

Comes a point where the entire health system cannot be focused on Covid 19. These kinds of stories will become more common.


I have been sent a prescription from my dentist for painkillers to get me through until after restrictions. hair cut and root canal for Mr Bush.

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Seems mad that dentists are not an essential service.

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The opposition and media are (in the main) just as cowardly.

There will be people saying in June time if one person dies from this that the Government have blood on their hands because construction workers were allowed back to solve “the worst housing crisis eva” that everyone has now forgotten about.

Alan Kelly was good in the Dáil asking the government who exactly was in charge of the country right now.


Lots of simple little ailments will growth in time and there’ll be avoidable deaths. Inevitable.

As for Covid, with all the time we sit at home avoiding this more people will enter the risk zone through through not getting the right treatments and natural aging.

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My hand wins!

There’s 3 reasons been bandied about.

  • “ICU isn’t good enough” Varadkar seemed to say this wasn’t an issue today, but Harris said it was before and so has deGascun etc. We were told there was a surge coming at Easter. It didn’t materialise. There hasn’t seen double digit admissions into ICU for nearly 2 weeks now, we peaked 3 and a half weeks ago in terms of ICU admissions with 30 in one day. We are significantly under our capacity with more surge capacity coming available.

  • “We need 15k tests a day”: I posted about this yesterday. South Korea have only tested 15k a day once and are 10 times our size. They can still work towards having that in place for a second surge but let’s not pretend testing 60k-70k a week for another couple of weeks is going to stop you been able to keep this under control.

  • “Let’s just wait to see how others are getting on” - well we have an example, called Sweden. Similar issues with nursing homes, similar death rate. Less testing capability than us. Denmark started opening up 2.5 weeks ago, we should see some dramatic surge in cases around now, it isn’t showing up as of yet.

Tbh, I sadly think this is just about treating the public like children and not being straight with them as they’re worried about the bank holiday.


Have ye solved it yet lads?