Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I don’t see where all this demand for tests is going to come from in your point 2 above. We have just over 20k confirmed cases. Yet they want to test 15k a day. Seems bizarre.

There is a June Bank holiday as well. They will get to the end of this pending 2 week extension and come up with another fudge to tie them over. The tans will be blamed as they dont have a road map. We don’t have one either but it will be painted as though we both dont have road maps and we will meet each other in a head on collision or some shit.

I’ve abided by this charade for long enough and will be making a totally unnecessary journey this weekend for a change of scenery.


Its just the same arguments on a loop. Fascinating

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Yes, theres a bunch of posters have it solved @ironmoth, @Bandage, @Tim_Riggins, @anon7035031, @johnnysachs, @Tassotti etc
The rest think everything is just fine, carry on as you are, possibly for the rest of your lives

I gave up on the daily press conferences a while back, but my other half tunes in from time to time. According to her, Holohan made it clear that the NPHET would be recommending no major changes to restrictions on Friday, but he said that things might change over the course of the weekend. They’d hardly ground us for the bank holiday weekend and then come back on Monday night and ease a few things to pacify us, would they?

Very possible, they’re hardly going to ease the restrictions a Friday before a bank holiday. People would take it as a “do as you wish” over the weekend.

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They’ll be a little bit more subtle about it, 2 week extension to the lockdown but we get off early after 1 week for good behaviour, everyones a winner, in other words another big announcement Friday week, helps build the suspence

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Tony “I haven’t made my mind up yet” Holohan has the country on tenterhooks. Everyone is up in a heap wondering will they or won’t they. There’ll be a minor easing of restrictions (e.g. 2km goes out to 3-5km), and because we’ll have been so freaked that the lockdown would continue as is, there’ll be dancing in the front gardens as we have been given permission by a doctor to walk a little bit further from home. :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:


Dr Tony seems like a media whore!
Will he do his daily briefings on cervical check and any other scandals?


They’ll kick the can down the road for another 2 weeks

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June bank holiday

What happened around here last night? Theres usually a casualty or two waiting in the corner to get stretchered off after a mauling the night before, but it seems relatively tranquil around this thread this morning.

Doctor Tony has broken them.

Apparently the govt are making it up.

Eh of course they are.

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You need to be patient, only 24,000 posts so far

Sure every weekend’s a bank holiday weekend now



Only in emergency dental. Routine is not

Being good children

Do you really believe the Gov are making up reasons to extend the lockdown? :smile: