Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Constantly moving the goalposts for reasons why they should keep lockdown might be a reason to believe

Global Pandemic causing Governments around the World to be cautious.
Have you contacted Gemma O Doherty to look into this farce?

we wernt cautious at the start -no protection of nursing homes, no guidance re cheltenham, welcoming people in from hotspots

Now, other countries in the same boat as us are relaxing restrictions thinking of the bigger picture, we arent


Yes, mate. But this is Ireland.

Maybe I am Gemma o Dorothy. It’s all a conspiracy to install 5G amd co trol you to vote ffg through your fillings. Hence why dentists are closed. Wake up sheeple

Don’t ask questions. Just hold the line. :sweat_smile:

Mr. Sharky says you’re doing a great job holding the line.



Mr Sharky can go fuck himself.

Dr Tony was right when he said no point introducing a lockdown too early as people would stop complying. Lads scoffed at that. Same lads are now saying they won’t comply.

It’s fascinating to watch an expert at work and lads behaving like he predicted they would.


Leo’s team are furiously going through the internet at the moment to see what way the wind is blowing. At the time of the lockdown the public wanted to lock it down. The mood has changed. Leo will lead accordingly.

Brendan on Facebook and Malachy on Twitter have had enough.

Bundesligue back in 2 weeks

Classic Leo. Here’s my principles. If you don’t like them I’ve got loads of others

Apparently it’s in doubt again now

Is that a combination of the Bundesliga and Ligue 1 ?

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Money talks

Germany in disarray

Bullshit walks.

:grin: :grin: :grin:

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