Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Speaking of that cunt, I spotted a load of satellites in the night sky recently, incredibly bright. Turns out they belong to this Musk cunt, and he plans on putting 12.000 of them up there.

Well Mary Lou certainly is

Lock it down foreva


Shock horror that easing lockdown restrictions in Germany has seen a rise in cases. The best way to tackle this is through herd immunity.

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Lock it down. Hold the line. :sweat_smile:

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Lads were great to pat themselves on the back and say aren’t we great enduring this hardship when the lockdown was in fact a bit of novelty for a lot of them (others are genuinely seriously affected). Now that things are actually getting a bit hard they want out.


I’m dubious as they haven’t really opened a lot up yet and there is a lag anyway.

You’d expect rises in cases, but what’s interesting is that hasn’t been seen in Denmark yet and they’re 2.5 weeks out from lifting restrictions.

The Swedes of course are seeing their curve flatten continually too. Whilst they aren’t testing widely, they will still be testing more than a month ago and the key rates are still coming down.

Does that suggest herd immunity is close to he attained there like the good Professor Giesecke suggested or are less draconian restrictions good enough? I’m gonna conservatively go with the latter.

My employer has informed me we will be one of the last teams to return to the office, which could mean WFH until July at this stage. Sorry meant to reply to thread generally @Tim_Riggins

The opposition can’t do anything, pal.

Laughable that you’re trying to pin blame on people who have no powers as opposed to the people that do.

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@Tim_Riggins said it won’t lead to a rise in Ireland.

I didn’t pin blame on here, I made a comment on Irish politicians and the media. She is being a coward, just like the rest of our media and politicians, including our government. And yourself of course too, it’s one of the only real Irish traits you exhibit on here.

It’s odd that you focus on SF who are not in power than FG who are in power.

I just found it amusing, is all.

Well have a read of a few more posts up there above because I have very much been focusing my criticism on Varadkar and Harris in the last few days. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Why don’t you quote some of them for me.

download (8)

Yep, imagine that.

Jumping the gun too early was never going to backfire.

Is that what they are? I thought the clean air was lighting up our stars further.

Covid-19: Pharma giant on board to manufacture as yet unproven Oxford vaccine

May help hold the line

Today’s kite

Mary Lou. Only come out if we won’t be going back. What a cowardly politically motivated comment to make.

A real I told you so effort

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We’d never come out if that was the case.

We are very lucky she is not in the wheelhouse. We’d be waiting for the IRA army council to have a zoom call to ok Dr Tony advice.