Coronavirus - Close the Airports

the whole thing is a load of nonsense and Sweden proves it, a bit of social distancing and good hygiene is all that is required to keep this under wraps, the filthy Irish need to clean up their act

The Swedes treated their people like grown ups and their people responded accordingly. Meanwhile bold Mick is in detention and he’s been so bold Master Leo and Simon are gonna give him another two weeks


Is it just me or is there a correlation between the hold the line lads on here & fellas who are shunned by their families. :thinking:

Leo is at home practicing in front of the mirror as we speak, perfecting his routine for tomorrow night on The Late Late.


whats the average age of death in Ireland, 83 or something?

There is 5 good years of COTY threads there

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Mick Og got complacent, now all the class have to stay in at lunchtime

One city and one park are putting down chicken shit. But even that park is open.

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A lot of sense to this :thinking:

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Not exactly a case of treating them like grown ups

He seems to be playing second fiddle to Tony the whole time.

At least they’re telling them about it.

Its follow the leader with them goons and our leaders have failed us

They’ve introduced measures just as effective as here, without commiting complete economic suicide and putting half the nation out of work. Their economy will no doubt suffer as well, but they’ll bounce back much better


Time shall tell

This waiting on a vaccine is poppycock.Look at the AIDS virus as an example-Millions of millions spent on one for decades and no result.Yes they have the drugs to treat it but no vaccine.
I’d see similar happening with this fuckn KungFlu


3,500 lives saved here, mate.

Cop on.
