Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Plus if there is any such thing as herd immunity, they’ll have it.

Masters Leo and Simon know best for Ireland, if they wish to know what the Irish need, they only have to look into their own hearts .

Those lads are trying to protect the elderly vulnerable population.

Credit to them.

What an array of smug, unctuous cunts. It’s a pity the photographer didn’t reach for an AK47…


Perfectly described

Tubs needs to ask the hard questions tomorrow.

I’m expecting more of the “how are you managing without the hairdresser” type questions though

More pertinent than his kids anyway id say.

Yeah everyone who lost loved ones in the nursing homes will never forget all the Govt did for them

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Nah, it’s just a flu. Be grand.

Our best hope is some leadership in other European countries.

2nd waves etc are inevitable and we’ll probably be living with this virus for years until there’s a vaccine without side effects.

Locking up the whole population for longer than 6-8 weeks now is just adding to the carnage.

I was reading about Germany earlier, and how people are calling the police on their neighbours its actually a global phenomonom, you can see it with the Hold the line’ Curtain twitchers brigade on here too. They can’t wait to be the teachers pet and tell Master Leo and pencil neck all the bad things the bold kids are doing. They’re in their element these cunts, loving every minute of being in lockdown

German lockdown ‘snitches’ spark hot debate

Author: AFP|Update: 30.04.2020 14:22

Telling on your neighbours is a highly sensitive subject in Germany, a country still haunted by memories of Nazism and the former communist dictatorship in East Germany / © AFP

On a sunny Sunday in April, 20 people were enjoying a barbecue in the city of Schwerin in northern Germany.

The police promptly intervened, slapping them with a fine for breaking new social distancing rules to limit the spread of COVID-19.

They were alerted to the festivities by a neighbour, “outraged by such behaviour”, who also proceeded to boast about her efforts on social media, opening up a heated debate about the return of denunciation to Germany and whether it is acceptable in the current crisis.

Telling on your neighbours is a highly sensitive subject in a country still haunted by memories of Nazism and the former communist dictatorship in East Germany, two regimes under which informing on others was practically a national policy.

The term “Denunziant” (“snitch”) has been trending on Twitter, fuelling a surge in references to the Third Reich and the Stasi secret police.

“All of this appears to confirm a deep-seated prejudice that Germans have against themselves: That when in doubt, a part of the population is willing to become an extension of state power,” psychology professor Christian Stoecker told Der Spiegel weekly.

But Germany is not the only country to have seen a rise in the number of people reporting fellow citizens to the authorities for breaching virus-related social distancing rules.

Similar observations have been made in countries around the world where lockdowns have been imposed: In New Zealand, a dedicated website was deluged with reports; in South Africa, a wedding was interrupted after an anonymous call; and in France, the emergency number 17 has been overrun with calls.

  • Universal phenomenon -

“The phenomenon is universal, but with different regional characteristics. It happens more often in urban areas, where many people depend on each other, than in less populated areas where you have more space,” said Rafael Behr, a professor of criminology and sociology at the Hamburg Police Academy.

“Acts of denunciation will increase, as will acts of solidarity,” he predicts.

“The longer the state of emergency goes on, the more antisocial people will become and the more mistrust and suspicion will develop, for example about whether your neighbour is contagious.”

In Germany, police are receiving several hundred complaints a day via phone calls, emails and social media, according to an AFP tally.

In Munich alone, “around 100 to 200 citizens are calling every day” with violations to report, according to Sven Mueller, a spokesman for the city’s police force.

In the state of Brandenburg, which surrounds Berlin, police intervened in 2,930 violations of social distancing rules between March 20 and April 7.

“Around two thirds of these cases were linked to reports from citizens,” said police spokeswoman Stefanie Klaus.

The majority of complaints are about people entering public spaces such as stadiums, parties in private homes or cars with licence plates from outside the area.

  • Poisoning social relations -

“Not all of the calls lead to police intervention,” said Heidi Vogt, a spokeswoman for the police in Berlin.

At the end of March, overwhelmed by complaints, police in the German capital appealed to residents on Twitter to stop calling the 110 emergency number, stressing that it was “not designed for lockdown breaches”.

Andreas Geisel, interior minister for the city-state of Berlin, called on citizens to restrain themselves.

“We don’t want any snitching,” he told RBB radio.

“With a soft lockdown like we have in Germany at the moment, people’s continued freedom depends on their ability to contain themselves,” political historian Klaus-Peter Sick told AFP.

“If a group of young people are behaving in an undisciplined way, some people will see that as irresponsible and not thinking about others,” which can lead to frustration and denunciation, he said.

But some informers are motivated less by social responsibility and more by the desire to settle personal scores.

“This is always the case in times of crisis, especially when they give rise to new regulations that make it possible to invoke justice: anyone who is jealous of their neighbour now has the opportunity to denounce them for the slightest violation of the coronavirus rules,” said Behr.

“That poisons social relations.”

The Swedish only allow government off licences so no cheap booze. The Micks want to have their cake and eat it.

Last time those lads were at that it didn’t end well.

Same here, we know all about spying on our own. We have gifted back power to the very quisling mindset that was resposiple for us being colonised for all those centuries


Tubs doesnt ask the hard questions. One of his early shows he had blair on and he shreiked. Pan Kenny would have asked the questions ffs

How many people in that are photoshopped? Ciara Kelly, Greg or Craig or whatever Doyle, the wan with dwarf head, the black hair one beside her all are surely?

The Swedes treat their people like grown ups because they generally are grown ups. The trust in government in Scando nations is off the charts compared to here

One of Ireland’s leading Satanic groupings.

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That’s because they have governments they can trust as well though not a bunch of sneaky, self-serving useless bunch of cunts that we’ve had since the foundation of the state bar a few honourable exceptions.


Governments that have made us into one of the best countries in the world from a base of nothing