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You get the politicians you deserve. They are a fair representation or oirish people.

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Owen Lee & Joe King.

Only joking…


You had to ruin it :neutral_face::joy:

Sorry, kid.

Lapsed member Esteban would be :triumph:

You think we have a history of good politicians?

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Despite it all and the weather we’re one of the best countries in the world to live in.

I think we’re one of the best countries in the world in which to live in and that they are probably better than you give them credit for given that

Tis a grand country no doubt but most of any good economic times we’ve had has been more down to EU membership and the fact that we are tax haven for American MNCs than any politicians we’ve had. We’ve had successive governments from the foundation of the state for 60 years enthralled to the catholic church and then of course the Failures buying off the public sector and bringing the IMF in and successive governments for the last 30 or 40 years unable to provide a functioning health service despite all the money in the world thrown at it.

We’ll agree to disagree so, mate.

As we’re moving house in 3 weeks we have a skip coming tomorrow I am actually looking forward to it🤣 A break from sitting in front off a screen in the back room. Who’d have thought it!

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Client politics. We get the politicians we vote for. That and the PR system. There is generally no political or citizen will to tackle vested interests. Voters demand quick fixes which are never doable.

Best of luck with the move. If you are 50/50 about anything fuck it out. We moved a good few times before buying the house, a great time for a purge.

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Agree there will be strife though herself is a sentimentalist while I’d be fuck everything out need to find a balance😯

This tassoti is hillarious. Stuck in a back house in some part of rural ireland but claims he is in london. :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

I have a weakness for books, but other than that I fucked absolutely everything I wasn’t actively using out. My house is full of shite again now though. Your shite expands to meet the space you have I find. I’m going to do a big clearout before this is over.


Watch the hurling memrobelia with a hawkish eye though. We had a skip there when we got the kitchen done and at least 4 times she asked me about match programmes.


@Tassotti is a state of mind