Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Paddy will vote for the lad that makes the big promise or goes to the funeral or fixes the pot hole or gets him the match tickets or he won’t vote at all.

Paddy won’t vote for the lad that will lay him off out of the civil service or make him work harder .

And Paddy wonders why our politicians are the way they are.

But it’s the same the world over by and large.


At least paddy votes in his own self interest, in the states they vote in the interest of rich people in the hopes that somehow someday they’ll be rich themselves. Bizarre

We are here 22 years and have had countless number of skips but shite still keeps accumulating🤦‍♂️. I’d be like yourself with books alright I’d often read books a few times. Did a big clear out last weekend shed is full ready to go the jungle that is the attic awaits me tomorrow😭

You’ll have to have a bit of a housewarming at some stage and invite 80 of your closest friends on tfk


I refuse to put anything into the attic. Bar Christmas decorations, if it’s going to the attic it should be going to the bin.
Parents moved house 15 years ago or so and it took us days to clear the attic, I swore I’d never do the same. The mother had every birthday card I’d ever gotten in boxes. It was a miracle the roof didn’t come down on us :sweat_smile:


I was never one for programmes the parents house is another story like a fucking GAA museum down there with points wides goals all ticked against the numbers in programmes. All the mothers doing the attic is like a shrine of matches going back nearly 50 years🤣. All in order in box files by years.


In fairness to our political ancestors, getting the EU to invest repeatedly in Ireland was good business.

It’s a grand little country all the same.

Ah you’re not so bad so. My misses went about throwing out the Limerick calendar from last year in January “Why, shur its 2020 now”


The EU is an awful mess of an organisation and has probably lost its way a bit in the last decade or so, but we’d be nothing without them

This is part of the issue - there’s nothing wrong with admitting that you did something because of uncertainty. There’s a need to justify it now and what’s more, perpetuate something unnecessary.

And you were born and reared in Kilkenny.

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Terrible innit?

A lot of lesser men would have said fuck it and supported the Cats through the glory years.

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Bollox. I married one. I’ve done my bit for the cunts

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Iron “No Surrender” Mike :rofl: You’re a gas cunt.

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I’d say he did.


And why are we a tax haven mate?

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I heard, what would be a funny story today, if it wasn’t so serious. A fella I know is looking after a gran aunt of his. Cutting the grass, buying her shopping etc. has been since long before this. Anyway, she has a home help as well and told her she wasn’t feeling great, said she was feeling fatigued etc. rang the doc and was sent to hospital.
Home help drove her to hospital they asked her was it corona related and she said no. Into the normal ER (in which apparently and worryingly they aren’t PPE’d up presumably because they don’t have enough) and the nurse sits down with her, first question “what’s the issue?” and your one turns around and says I’m not feeling great and I’ve an awful cough. First mention of the cough to anyone :see_no_evil: Nurse was like a bear (naturally) off to the corona part of the ER and she was tested and turns out she had it.
So the lad is in isolation, the home help is in isolation and probably the nurse as well. All because your one never thought to mention she had a cough in the middle of a fucking pandemic :upside_down_face: