Coronavirus - Close the Airports


What am I looking at here mate

What in the name of all that’s good are you rabbiting on about now?

Its the new normal, get used to it

I think that’s fake

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Stay safe lads.

Dylan Bradshaw seems like an alright sort

A newspaper denouncing journalism is a new one for me. :man_shrugging:t3:


Theres no journalist in this country with any balls to challenge the “government”. They dont have a clue to ask the right questions either

There was a Dan O Brien chap on Ivan Yates tonight and he asked what would the risk of under 40s returning to work be as there is a more chance of thrm getting hit by a car than dying from coronavirus.The medical expert ( another gobshite… the lad who did the anti body test on Clare Byrne ) started spouting on about immunity tests once we have them it might be possible then if you have had it etc. Made no effort to answer the actual question at all. And Dan just let him off with it. I was actually raging.

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Sure listen to them every evening at the briefing. It’s a real eye opener. Most of them come across as thick as pig shit and unable to understand very basic data.

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That was clear when they didnt realise the significance of the R under dropping to below 0.7, effectively removing virus from the community in general. The lockdown to date worked
The areas where it is still present are in healthcare and the data backs that up. Over a quarter of all cases are healthcare workers and that is a higher percentage lately. Majority of the deaths are over 70s, mainly in hospitals or nursing homes not in community. Should be treated like winter vomiting bug or MRSA, we dont shut down the country for those rather restrictions on hospital and people entering
IMHO they are not opening up to delflect anger from the nursing homes. Post covid world a tribunal will be needed to asses this fuck up. It was clear when th virus came to ireland they were the biggest risk how was this allowed to happen?

Not a single journalist is challenging these points until days or weeks after announcements


Kite flying and kicking cans down the road again. Its becoming farcical. The media are not strong enough or not allowed challenge ffg or their public sector structure.


Most journalists (and most of the population including me) don’t really understand numbers or how to interrogate them. It’s why you get people spooked by “risk of X doubles if you do Y” when your absolute risk may have only gone from 0.01% to 0.02%

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105 Covid patients in ICU up to last night. The peak was 160.

727 Covid patients in hospital. The peak was 884.

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Are we there yet though?

The peak was 3 weeks ago

100k testing capacity a dayis the new target that has been pull out of their arses

Late late tonight will be box office. Leo is browsing great speeches from history already

Ta ana athas orm

Of the 20612 confirmed cases in Ireland, 13,386 have recovered.