Coronavirus - Close the Airports

What are you going to do when this is all over? You’ve played a stormer kid

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My auld lad has a serious collection too.

Has the 1973 all Ireland programme signed by the whole team except Joe McKenna. Joe is unwell at the moment😢

He knew Joe fairly well too from going in and out of his shop over the years

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Researching Mussolini and staying true to the proud blue shirt history

I might go back to Drom and see the family anyway. I haven’t been home in about 2 months. :upside_down_face:

I technically could go home If I wanted to but I won’t chance it.

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Thanks Tony

Wife was sweating like a pig at night for a few days. Tuesday night no sleep with chest pains, cough etc. Called doctor on Wednesday. Sent to DCU hub yesterday, they sent her on to Croke Park to be tested. She said it was like getting on the car ferry at Xmas. Hundred of cars.
No one has left this house for the past 5 weeks apart from exercise and wifey goes to the shops.
Not feeling my usual million dollars this morning either.
At this stage it looks like we all have to get it, so perhaps our turn. Hopefully it’s mild as I’m such a wuss.


Good luck @Cooper
I believe theres an tfk hoodie and a voucher for afternoon tea in a city centre brothel from the tfk management for the first person on tfk to contract this officially. That’ll cheer up the missus.

All the best chief

Only tested. Awaiting the results so that cherished prize my not be ours yet!!!

You’ll be grand mate. And probably better for it going forward. All the best

Odd jobs around the house getting scarce now lads. Had a con call yesterday at work. Big boss reckons it’ll be after the June bank holiday before we’re back on the road.

Would you not sit down and relax for yourself so

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If I relax anymore, I’ll be permanently horizontal

How long will ye be waiting for results?

John Crown fairly fillted Harris and Varadkar on Pat Kenny show .

They didn’t tell her. It was very clinical she said. Queue up, waved in, swab taking and waved out.

My aunt was in hospital for treatment the other day. She got the test as well as a matter of course. They said if you dont hear from us in 30 hours its negative (she doesnt have it)

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Hope it works out ok for you all…

Seems to be plenty of evidence for this. Reports that Portugal have mass inoculation of BCG and Spain doesn’t. Drastically different outcomes in both countries.