Coronavirus - Close the Airports

What did he say?

V _ R _ S

Only “I” and “U” can break the chain guys.

Hold the line


Some “serious” journalists losing their shit over the Examiner advisory piece that we should all hold the line

I was in Nolans supermarket in clontarf there this morning. They were selling a 50 pack of disposable face masks for 70 euro at the checkout. One box per person. Probably not Nolans fault but that’s fairly tearing the hole out of it.

That’s fucking disgraceful carry on.

It’s not the retailers fault. Its the suppliers have jacked up the prices.

Translation the over 70’s vote is serious business. Lets keep them happy and give them a lolipop. Meanwhile lets keep the rest of the population (who are at fuck all risk) cooped up at home like chickens while the economy goes off a cliff. All because Tony Leo et all are paralysed by fear and incompetence . Hold the line indeed. Be cheaper to buy all the over 70s a few threadmills and let the rest of us go back to living life. Meanwhile theres a hotel taken over to cocoon the vulnerable beside me and a lad that works there told me there is zero social distancing taking place and the residents are coming and going as they please.

Whoever is responsible for it should be shot.

I’ll give you 13 billion reasons why.


A bandana over your mouth and nose would be as good the way most members of the public wear masks.

It’s to keep the viruses in. Not keep them out.

Most gobshites think it keeps it out

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Hon Drom :ronnyroar:

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Weener Plastics have a sister company that make sex toys. Their called Plastic Weeners so they are.

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Construction companies will be back building on Tuesday.

Gaffs are on the way.

On about photo ops, spin doctoring, not wearing masks in a crowded room with journalists and tv crews.

Makes you wonder why these contracts were handed out to private hospitals. Who was ever going to work there…

How’s things Thomas? The family are all well I trust?

I was talking to the mother yesterday and she was saying that she heard on the wireless yesterday some accountant saying that all of those people currently getting €350 a week who wouldn’t have been earning that much before will have to pay the excess back. Is that true and if it is do the people know this?

Also said that anyone working from home that is not receiving any form of welfare can claim €3.20 a day for expenses from revenue. Should be a nice tidy few quid for everyone when the lockdown ends in 2022.

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