Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Yeah Regina Doherty and Pascal Donoghue did say there would be some form of claw back. I’m not sure how easy that would be to implement. I guess they would look at a rolling average of salary over last couple of years and offset that against the 350 amount.

There’ll be war if they try that. There was no mention of it when they were giving it to you, they can’t turn around and take it off you afterwards. Even if it is a joke

The company i work for is giving us all the €3.20 a day WFH allowance in our May pay checks and they are then going to claim it off the revenue on our behalves.

As the great Buff Egan would say “A mighty sound gesture”

It’ll add up to a few hundred in no time. I presume it is not taxable.

I posted about this before…if you are a tax registered business with fcuk all sales you’ll get 350 p.w for 12 weeks… If they come looking for it back, How can they even get it back if you’ve no sales??

I must remember to do that at the end. Be a nice little earner after 4 or 5 months

Yeah I think they need to make it very clear if they are going to do it so people don’t spend it. It’s a ridiculous situation though there’s thousands of people getting more money than they usually earn while on welfare. Be interesting to see how easy or difficult it will be to get them back to work when their industries open back up. Could just say nah I’ve a cough can’t go back yet. Wouldn’t blame them either.

Yes, tax free. Middle of March to first week of May is around €100 I reckon

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There’s going to be loads building contracts fired out by the government to reignite their capital commitments .

If company does not give you the 3.20 per day can employees claim it themselves from revenue?

Yes, I believe the normal process is that the employee claims it from revenue. Assume you would need something from HR to corroborate the days which you WFH as part of the claim.

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From my reading of it, I don’t think you can. You can reclaim a percentage of bills (internet, electric) for days worked at home where office is closed. Revenue suggest 10% as reasonable.

More details here


its barley 30 quid a month

They pay in barley? I suppose I could make beer out of it

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We’ve gone full circle,
Barley was mankind’s first form of currency,
True story

But not a very interesting one

Under the rules up until now, for lower earners, if you were retained on the company’s payroll, the max you were entitled to receive was 70% of your average net pay, up to a maximum of €410. So if people were getting €350/€410 and 70% of net pay was lower, then that amount would have to be clawed back.

I have not heard any indication that if you’re getting €350 from social welfare, that you’d have to pay any of that back. I’m pretty sure that is not the case unless it’s in a very recent update that I missed.

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Announcement at half 6 I think.

All restrictions to be lifted is my prediction.

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Announcement will along the lines “a lot done a lot more to do” let’s put on the green jersey etc with some slight lifting of restrictions

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