Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They are going to open pubs and sporting events as a reward for our good behaviour

Announcement at Half 6 confirmed.

Leo will not be taking any questions from the media.

Yatesy calling the spin of this ‘a load of bullshit’

Who will he shoehorn into his speech tonight?

Heaney (again)?
The recently deceased Eavan Boland?

That will drive some of the media demented

Whoever John Concannon tells him to

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And will be taking soft questions from Tubridy tonight instead.


Ivan Yates seems to be the only person calling this out as it is. The spin has gone out of control and tonight will be off the charts. Many will be reaching for the sick bucket but sadly some will not be able to see it for what it is.


The Curtain twitcher brigade will lap it up no matter what, most decent people will see it for the disgrace that it is

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Apparently I can claim $0.80 per hour for every hour I work from home. So I’m up to $168 now.
Should take the edge off the 4 days a week we’ve gone to.
I’m going to take the 5th day as non paid and lose 20% of my salary, which is fine. I’ll still work the 5th day (or some of it) as setting up deals earns me commission. Jesus though, a lot of people are suffering, a lot I know have lost their jobs. A particular family, friends of ours, are being threatened with eviction as they have both lost their jobs and Dave has actually gone into hospital with heart problems. The landlord is being shamed into letting them stay. They have two boys, 13 and 16. Awful situation.

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Mandela is a great shout for this evening, I’m going to go with -

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others”

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

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Nothing that highbrow. It will be Uncle Ben in Spiderman:

“We must never forget that with great power comes great responsibility.”


Truly awful situation. Hopefully the landlord will do right by them. Did he always have heart problems or was it brought on by stress/pressure?

If there was a payroll return for you before end of feb

To be honest, he’s always been a useless fucker and a lazy bastard who drinks too much. Alison is the rock of the family and she’s who’d I’d be concerned about.
But they’re big in the football club and plenty are rallying around her.

Lot of students working Part time getting 100 a week or whatever picked up the 350. Id say they are the target

Is Limerick Nomad your dad?

They’ll allow the national leagues be completed but the championship depends on continuing to #FlattenTheCurve

To lift the nations mood all rugby will remain banned for the foreseeable future.


What’s the social distancing like in Nolan’s these days. I was in there early on in the lockdown and I wasn’t impressed. I won’t be going back. Not a patch on SuperValu