Coronavirus - Close the Airports

In a poxy caravan

Ye better hope there is a strong leader there when the second wave hits or it will be back to square one

I stopped following the Covid news weeks ago. When are schools open again? September I’m presuming.


Yes, I hope you’re getting all the support you need at the moment mate, these are tough times for you and the family,

I know there’s little I can do but just know that there’s genuine people here who would be glad to


Might let you out of your bedroom too maybe.

More encouraging news on the treatment front. FDA approves remdesivir for emergency use. Gilead to donate 1.5 million vials.

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If I’d your hair I’d be happy to let it grow too

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The Nogra called it…



it’s from the government’s road map document for easing the lock down

Who is that other unfunny clown who does the same “Breaking” style jokes? Garvan something or other.

I’ve done a 180 and I’m now fully behind lockdown.

Which one of ye? Lad in mungret or lad in kildimo?


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 18th of may tennis is back.


No point in having a tennis court on the grounds if you are self isolating by yourself as I’ve found out.

Great news

In mungret or kildomo?

I don’t live in either and that’s the third time you’ve asked tonight.

US regulators approve use of experimental drug to treat coronavirus patients

A treatment not a cure