Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The Dow :raising_hand_man:

All his family are Fine Gaelers I heard…

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He has the well fed look of a Blue shirt anyway


Yeah both look like they have seen plenty of troughs before

A great idea. Block off a few of the busy bar streets to traffic and let the roads be the beer gardens and out door eating areas


I was advocating this last week. It’s a logical solution for many businesses who rely on footfall and have lower margins.

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Why don’t you write a letter to Simon & Leo? You could use your weak hand and pretend you are 12, Leo or Simon might even tweet it.

Great news guys

We have reclaimed the streets of malahide from cars

Close the roads

Open the pubs

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Oh dear.


And how have the Garda treated Johnny Beep Beep? Bike or car?

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Pretty damning report on St Mary’s Nursing Home in the Park in the Irish Times there today. Holohan and the HSE don’t come out of it well.

He’ll be a villain by the time it all comes out. Diverted all the resources to empty hospitals, left nursing homes to fend for themselves and wouldn’t even take in infected patients from the nursing home. Basically left the patients to die.

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How Nursing Homes are state owned? Are the vast majority not privately owned?

Doesn’t mean you leave them to fend for themselves in a crisis. The state had no problem handing a small fortune to private hospitals to sit idle for the next few months

There are 440 Private and 120 state owned in the country.

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Are you only going to use one side of the paint brush here because it suits your narrative?

Basically the Nursing Home Industry closed nursing homes to visitors on 6 March. Holohan said that was unnecessary and not in line with guidance. So Mary’s opened up to visitors again and was taking them until 18 March when the lockdown came in. Implication in the article was that was when the virus got into the home. Not sure how you could prove that. Also said the HSE left the home high and dry as regards PPE.

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I’d be interested to see the numbers as regards the Infection rates per State & Private run.

I know of one privately run Nursing Home where they shut down visitations early, took serious attention to staff living arrangements and travel needs etc.
They’ve been lucky in keeping this out but it’s really down to measures put in place by them in relation to HSE guidelines.

HSE have visited the site to test residents & staff etc.

The main worry early doors was the Population flooding the health system, it is a stretch to say Hoolahan & Co did the wrong thing preparing for the worst first.

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