Coronavirus - Close the Airports


99 cases in ICU.

What were the numbers yesterday?

34 deaths

221 cases

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There is 4 of ye to be fair.

it’s reducing by 10 % or there abouts over the last 3/4 days?.. Bar nursing homes and Leinster, this thing is all but done. The awful hygiene of Leinster people is the real story of this crisis.


2 new cases in Donegal.

Oh if only there was some previous scandal that could’ve warned us of this guy’s competence. Still though, he runs the country now so say nothing and keep the head down.


Not a good look for Chi-na.

What about those meat plants? Done yeah?

Covid was getting in one way or the other sadly.


25 deaths

343 cases

Bullet points for you lazy cunts:
This is an Australian source, not US.

  • Virology lab in Wuhan was studying coronaviruses in bats and how they transmit to humans. In 2015 they published research on synthesizing corona like viruses, concluding these viruses could jump from bat to human and there was no treatment that worked.

  • The first case is thought to be in November, a candidate for patient zero is called Huang Yang Lin a lab worker who disappeared and is believed to be dead. CCP claim she is alive but nobody has seen her since December.

  • A man who fell ill with COVID on December 6th in Wuhan infected his wife, first evidence of human to human transmission. China was still claiming no human to human transmission on january 20th, and the WHO publicly agreed with this claim. During the months of December and January millions fled Wuhan and ended up all over the world. China stopped internal travel at the end of January, but not alone allowed air travel out of China, they denounced anyone who banned travel from China.

  • 8 doctors who raised the alarm in late December were disciplined and publicly shamed for spreading false rumors. A journalist who warned of the threat online disappeared.

  • From January 5th onward the CCP initiated a strict gag order. From January 5 to January 18th there was no public reporting of new cases or deaths, the period when the virus was spreading rapidly. A lab that shared the genome sequence online was shut down.


Can you break that down please

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Holohan is actually a fucking disgrace


Do we need these daily press conferences at this stage? Release the numbers by tweet.

same craic here, no one gives a shite anymore, one or two a week is plenty now

  • China has fucked us.