Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Holohan rhymes with Wuhan…sort of. Bit too much of a coincidence if you ask me.

it has to be vague @Rocko
the simpletons looked for direction ann and barry style , he has given them direction- men like @balbec and i are well used to this type of thing due to our vast experience of corporate cultue,
you give some eager jobsworth a 5 point developement plan, but at the end of the day you can determine whether he was successful of not but you let him feel in control - its easy for you to make him accountable but virtually impossible for him to make you, you keep it suitably vague so you cant be accused of committing to anything but can remind him that the reason why he hasnt hit his targets is his responsibility…

now the other way is we could take the french or israeli approach where the place is just literally locked down and you get on with it until those in charge lift it and im sure that was on the table here as well.
in a way that is probably the more genuine approach but needy Paddy cant handle that so he needs his plan as he too thick to realise that its impossible to predict how this will behave so the only way you do is test it with phased opening… the dates are folly- but thats what people want … " when can i go to the pub?" - fuck off


3 or 4 press conferences a week be plenty with figures

though you would have those complaining about lack of transparency

my personal favourite

“do you think inter county GAA teams can resume training ?”

NOBODY , NOBODY in their right mind actually gives a shit


In fairness what more is the press going to ask

France extending restrictions for 2 months. Spewn mckenna and hes numpties on here will probably blame varadkar.

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i agree with 100%
as the forum are aware i am in the throes of exams and i apologise for my limited contributions but your knowledge and commentary on this specific subject deserve credit
What they did constitues a war crime and i quantify that by their negligence and their cover up, now we get it - these filthy bastards eating dog meat in those “wet” markets - it was convenient of the CPC to use that as an excuse and they carefully left this thing into a “wet” market because they knew it would get out and it was easy to blame.
im thinking they underestimated the impact of thing - they are absolutely horrible bastards - if they fully believed these so called “wet” markets were the root cause they’d prevent them from re opening but they know they werent - these markets were merely a medium to spread the infection,
now i dont know if they wanted just to test this on their own people or they fully knew it would get it out but maybe underestimated it?


the french dont fuck around- and there are lads calling varadkaar vague and some SF "education " spokeman ( now that’s a new one even for the shinners) complaining about the stresses and “anxiety” leaving cert students have
how about the whole thing is cancelled and they repeat the year? -

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repeat the entire year?
no i dont which is why they should man up, get the fuck on with it and prepare for july

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They’ve split the country into green, orange and red zones. There will be lifting of restrictions everywhere in France but some earlier than others. If you are in a green zone for example in Britany or Vendee Region you can only travel to red zone I.e. Paris for work or family reasons. Primary schools, non-essential shops, libraries and small museums are reopening from 11 May in green and orange zones.
All retailers – except bars, restaurants, cafes are due to reopen in 2 weeks.

I think most people read the headline and thought it was the same strict restrictions but they are not. They will have far more freedoms to move about than we have.

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Leo hinted at a similar approach last night for here, can see it happening if everyone doesn’t do what they are told

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thanks for the clarification - she was on the phone to some aunt in marseilles earlier and i was under the impression the place was tied down

I’d give them the benefit of the doubt that it wasn’t released deliberately, even I don’t think they are that crazy. I can see the logic somewhat, destroy the world economy and then come in and pick up the pieces.

What adds to the synthesized or engineered theory is the selectivity of the virus, 95% having no or mild symptoms but absolutely deadly to a small demographic. If you wanted to design the perfect virus to spread panic but actually not (in the grand scheme of things) kill a significant number of people, this fits the bill.

I think most likely someone got accidentally infected in the lab, either with a natural virus they were studying or a genetically modified virus, and walked out the door with it starting this whole shit show. The local CCP in Wuhan tried to contain in and failed and by the time central CCP came in it was too late. They tried to cover it up as best they could but likely knew exactly how this pandemic was going to unfold.


This is the biggest economic crisis since 1709. The great depression will be like a picnic compared to what’s coming.

We’ll be grand. Never starved a day yet. We’re in a great country @Tassotti

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Once tennis is back who gives a fuck


Were you alive in 1709?