Coronavirus - Close the Airports


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@ChairmanDan @Tim_Riggins @TheUlteriorMotive @tallback

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Anyone with a brain cell can see that… There will be no sport in Europe for 2 years despite the bleatings of thick cunts like @BruidheanChaorthainn, @balbec and @Copper_pipe.


You must be in an awful place mentally to be having a pop off copper pipe. One of the most genuine and helpful posters the site has ever seen. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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There already is football in Europe ffs


Oh dear

Back again, you needy cunt?


Agreed. I bought a headband today.
What’s the waiting list like for the lawn tennis club?

Earlier today while we were on our family inside 2km walk a neighbours Alsatian ran out and attacked my daughters terrier while she was leading it. Thankfully the timely intervention of a ferocious toe-peg from myself into the cunts chest diffused the situation with no harm done & without me having to escalate it further.
The lessons learned that I’d like to share with ye.
1.) Be mindful that when passing a house with a dog Make sure that an adult, preferably a male, is with the dog.
2.) Carry a strong fucking stick with you on your walk.
3.) just beause that cunt of a dog didn’t attack you the first 100 times you passed it, it doesn’t mean it won’t attack today. Prepare for and expect the worst.


You’re more pslc material mate

Pslc till I die mate. Is there actually any difference? Apart from the cars driven by the members?

no difference

This is fairly standard.

Agreed, but absent today. The fall back was a good pen knife. I got complacent. Absolutely bulling.

I may throw on a pair of Jean’s today. I’ve been walking around in tracksuits for weeks and I’m fucking sick of em.


We’re all sick of him…him and his all baking, all singing, all dancing, katsu curry eating, obstacle course in the garden, Ireland’s fittest von trappe family.


Just reported a small group of cyclists there


We will prevail folks, we will prevail

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Jesus @Bod95, what the fuck are ye at up there. Sending g out the wrong corpses to undertakers

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