Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Shocking story as if having a non funeral wasn’t bad enough but to add that to peoples grief is some ordeal

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That wanker is really getting on my wick

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Ive been going commando this whole lockdown, I find it very liberating

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The virus is a dream come true for the likes of Harris. Finally getting to realise the dreams of their forefathers Eoin O’Duffy in implementing a police state

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19 deaths

330 cases

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The virus definitely isn’t as lethal of a Sunday.

Hold the line


Curtain twitcher brigade reduced to cartoons now I see


Are the figures going up or down?

Starting to nosedive

We’ve kicked ass here guys,

Are we the same as the U.K in terms of not registering deaths over the weekend? Could we see a spike Tuesday or Wednesday due to the break?

Spikes are possible any time, the outbreak in Roscrea is responsible for a large swell of current cases

No but in the U.K all deaths over the weekend might not be counted until the following Tuesday or Wednesday. So for argument sake you could have 20 deaths in Ireland yesterday but they may not be counted until Wednesday this giving an artificial spike. That’s what I’m askibg

I’d imagine that’s what will happen

I wouldn’t trust the UK figures no matter what day of the week it is. I think here the deaths can occur anytime, the figures recorded constitute those attributed to the virus in the previous 24 hours. Its done daily here to the best of my knowledge so we don’t see the Monday/Tuesday spikes you’d see in Tansville

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I say majority of cases confirmed are in nursing home settings all nursing home testing should be completed this week

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Next week is crucial🤦‍♂️

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They will need multiple rounds of testing.

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