Coronavirus - Close the Airports

We’re nearly there now lads. Hold firm and we’ll be grand.


She’s no Pat Smith alright. Now there was a fella with vision.

Stop being positive. Grrrr

England is miles worse mate.

How fucked is the Equine Industry? How many jobs will go? How many Trainers will pack it in?

The useless among us will always be unemployed.

Really. that would be impressive.

We shall overcome

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90 mins :smile:

Huge difference this time is there will be no leaving for oz either. It’s going to be grim. We should have been opening up a month ago. All the focus is on leaving certs. How will 1000s of kids head to Dublin for college with no part time work possible and potentially not enough herd immunity.

Google maps says youd do it in 1hr 50m at the moment. Id find that hard to believe tbh

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What’s so funny? That sounds entirely doable on a motorway.

121km with current route at 100km/hr easially done

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You’d be 25 mins getting out of City if lucky. Trucks max speed 90km/h etc

Be less than that even I’d say

The hardest piece of that entire route to fix is from cork city to ringaskiddy.

Not for trucks.

Did you see the Greens proposed route for the M24 as opposed to the M20 plans :see_no_evil:

Limerick to Cork will take 88 minutes.

At the moment it takes 83 minutes according to Google maps :joy:

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Mothorway cork to Ringaskiddy will join limerick cork motorway. Adare bypass will extend to foynes. All plans announced for 2040 capital projects
