Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I don’t think there are that many asymptomatic carriers. I suspect general population infection rates are somewhere between 2 and 20%.
People are just making stuff up all the time.

What a cunt.

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Face you’d like to punch repeatedly

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Surely he believed his own chart of half a million Brits to die this year.

I’m delighted he was caught out.

This fella predicted 120,000 British deaths from foot and mouth in 2001.

You’re on the wrong thread mate. We’ve been calling this charlatan out for a while now on the edgy thread.

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You just pulled that fact out of your ass :grinning:


Or just someone who can spot bullshit a mile away. In fairness, there’s a fair few lads on here that have been cutting through the nonsense on this for the past number of weeks.

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And then there’s the Tipp lads.

Do you still actually believe that?

This woman cuts to the chase under Nolan’s (who is just following the Ferguson model) tweet basically saying social distancing was enough but it was the right decision at the time


Hold the fugging line

Not really. It’s an extrapolation of the greater Manchester hospitalised figures, which herself was told was a reasonable assumption, combined with the fact that of all the people I know who were antibody tested, not a single one was positive except for two people who had previously had confirmed coronavirus on swab testing whilst ill, who both did have positive antibody tests. So, the test was 100% accurate amongst known confirmed positives that I knew, and negative amongst everyone else. It was only ten people, but that’s first hand experience.
My personal inference is that most people who get covid 19 are not asymptomatic, it’s a nasty dose.

Are you seriously forming an opinion based on a sample of 10 people? All four of the antibody tests done so far involving thousands of people report >90% of those infected had no or mild symptoms, and most global estimates are that at least 50% are asymptomatic.

I would agree with your estimate that 2-20% have been infected, obviously with a huge difference between densely populated cities like New York / London / Paris and rural areas. New York and New Jersey combined have 33,500 deaths out of a population of 28.5 million (almost 1,200 deaths per million!). If 15% have been infected that’s a mortality rate of 0.8%, which is probably about right given the absolute carnage in nursing homes in both states. Most of the other US states are in the range 100-200 deaths per million, more in line with Ireland are other less densely populated European countries.

My own back of the envelope is at least 10% infected in major metro areas with high public transport usage, and 1-2% in rural areas, and about 10% of those infected are sick enough to go for testing and test positive. That would translate to roughly 220k infected up to now in Ireland, and at 1,339 deaths a mortality rate of 0.6%.

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Will the new government consider opening up quicker? This is an incredibly drawn out process they’ve outlined.

Also, golf courses will be open in a few weeks. But, the advice remains, to only make essential journeys and exercise within 5km of your home.

Is playing golf an essential journey, and if it is, can you only go 5km to play it?

COVID19 says NO to GOLF.

ill be playing lawn tennis on the 18th come hell or high water


It’s a cod.

You’ve mixed up your sports here mate.