Coronavirus - Close the Airports

According to a new survey in New York involving 1,000 recent COVID-19 patients, 66% of the patients had remained in their homes during the recent lockdown. Governor Cuomo described the findings as “shocking”.

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I’m struggling to think of someone we’ve elected in Limerick county/Limerick West who was in anyway impactful in the last 20 plus years. I’d say you’d be going back to Gerry Collins, to find someone who’d actual input to Irish politics.

Niall Collins might have an impact on Irish politics shortly, but I hope for all our sake that won’t happen


Gavan Reilly was reporting on those earlier confirmed cases last week on Virgin Media.

Ffs I came home a day early from Cheltenham for no reason at all.


The first case in France was December and people are shocked to hear Ireland may have had cases in February.

You couldn’t make it up.


So we’d have needed to close the borders in January then.

Santa Claus, the rotten bastard. He must have gone to France after China.

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I think when all this is said and done, there might have to be a serious reckoning for modelers. How did we get to this point where we are being ruled by a bunch of fucking nerds, sorry @Bandage.

Maybe round them all up for a town hall meeting, the modelers, the statisticians, and fuck it throw in any lads that were good at math in school, or took it too seriously. You know the type.

Make it like the French Revolution (except for the guillotine, sadly) , but replace the nobility by the health nazis.

Drank too much wine and cognac and missed the ferry to Ireland, like I once did admittedly. Got sidetracked and arrived in Ireland 3 months later, like the virus.


Leo, is it safe to come out yet?

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bye bye Ireland

Fuck you johnny Ronan

This makes what those horsey bastards did all the worse so

I never thought I’d say this but I just had a read of twitter and it was good to see some balance. Johnny ward the racing journo was making the open it up to fuck argument and a majority disagreed with him. Some good points made on both sides.
Tfk has become far too one sided on this issue with the only ones in favour of the current strategy just saying things like ‘hold the line’ repeatedly.

Who’s Johnny Ward? Sounds like a front man for pavee point

Do you read any posts on here?

Yeah this place is completely one sided. There was good debate for a while but now everyone here is on the OIUTF side. It’s been a complete rout.