Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The fact that there aren’t tens of thousands of dead Swedes as a result of this is really grating the lock it down (ta fuck) crowd


Just to add to @anon7035031’s response, healthcare workers are humans. Some are possibly at risk (e.g. have underlying medical issues), just like the general population. Some are possibly immunocompromised, again, just like the general population. The healthcare environment is not without risk. Currently, I’d imagine many of them are working very long shifts and are isolated from family. That is not conducive to maintaining a strong immune system.

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So all that is also relevant to the general population too.

Is that a statement or a question? I’ve already posted on the importance of oxytocin and how this lockdown is severely damaging to general well-being.

It’s much more relevant to health care workers, especially those in ICU, as they are in an environment with very high levels of virus. The average person is not performing multiple intubations daily, which is where the risk is highest.

How is making complete and utter shite of the economy ‘acting with extreme caution’??
Almost every single poster here including yourself sees that this is totally the wrong approach to be taking yet they’re still ploughing ahead. I’m not sure the reasons you’re giving are enough for supposedly intelligent people. I can see why the health experts are recommending it but the fg lads surely have to see the bigger picture. Saying all other parties would do the same isn’t good enough either. These lads are meant to be a cut above and they are making an unadulterated bollox of it.

This lockdown will destroy us for years.

We’re living under a medical dictatorship. McConkey was on Pat Kenny last week and he said he’d keep everything locked down until every last person was cured and Covid not longer in the community. He should be tarred and feathered the cunt.


He’s an academic, totally removed from reality.

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Unfortunately, there was always an element within society who would put their health first rather than do an honest days work.

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You’ll get a ban for talking about @Bandage’s hero like that

The viral load. The lock it down to fuck stooges have no concept of anything except lock it down to fuck


I missed this earlier.

Colm O’Rourke is an ‘open it up ta fuck’ man anyway

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They are queuing up to go after the Chinese.

Patrick O Donovan out of his depth, I thought he actually might have a clue but he’s just another company shill

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Limerick county elected three fools.


Nothing new there.

Ffs man get a grip!! A politican that has a clue in Ireland? :pig2::small_airplane: