Coronavirus - Close the Airports

lockdowns gave been totally discredited

The weak always crack first.

Sure how could you be on the other side at this stage? With all the evidence against you?


Cant say fairer than that. All is forgiven and a mighty sound gesture.

I’d love to know what forum John Waters debates Sidney on.

God help paddy. When the UK sneezes, Ireland get pneumonia

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In this life there are people that blindly follow and people that question.

A few of us called this almost immediately… @ironmoth, @johnnysachs, @anon7035031

You have another bunch of dangerous idiots on here who’d still be screaming ‘hold the line’ in two years’ time such is there lack of intelligence. But the world needs sheep I suppose.


People were scared. It was understandable.

But the facts are out now. Lockdown isn’t saving anyone. Common sense social distancing and protecting the elderly (the one group the government failed horribly) and there’s no reason for the country to be shut


A whistleblower in a HSE nursing home where a significant number of patients have died from Covid-19 has made a protected disclosure over the handling of the outbreak at the facility.

The staff member, who works in a Dublin nursing home, has claimed concerns raised by healthcare workers about the welfare of residents fell on “deaf ears”.

A 35-page dossier containing serious allegations of failings at the home was made to Health Minister Simon Harris and the CEO of the HSE, Paul Reid, last night.

From this morning’s indo. After the cervical check scandal how could anyone have faith in Holahan? Yet you have vast swathes of the country who would stay in lockdown for perpetuity while society and and the economy disintegrates.


We need these people to be brave now … they cant keep being selfish and hiding away. The country needs people to get back to normal, to reclaim the country and kick-start the economy. Most importantly, The gov need to cut this covid payment and force my wife to open her business so I can get some peace and quiet.


There is a gag put on all HSE workers… there will be a tribunal on this in a few years - long after Leo and Tony have set off into the sunset.


that 340 a week needs to be stopped immediately


ICU figure is down to 82.

Any idea what ICU figures were on average pre Covid?

No where near capacity

Surely 50/60 in normal times across 5 Million people? That’s an estimate but wouldnt sound too high for me

“The frustration of not having his workers working sent Tesla founder Elon Musk into a recent series of rants on Twitter, then on an earnings call with analysts. He suggested the lockdown was “fascist”, and far, far more.
This is a man who also claimed Covid fatality rates were “greatly overstated” (even as all evidence – of unexplained excess death rates far outstripping the norm across the world – suggests they are greatly understated) and that there would be “zero cases” in the US by April’s end (when there were over 23,000 new cases on the last day of that month).”

Lot of similar shrieking on here.

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I don’t.

The 82 is only COVID Cases in ICU btw. Not total ICU

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This thread is hilarious, lads don’t even know who they’re trying to wind up any more.