Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Found this re 2017 key finding below

Irish Units are very busy, with 91% bed occupancy in adult ICUs and 94% bed occupancy in paediatric ICUs in 2017. The recommended occupancy levels are 70-80%.

From what I can recall we normally have around 250+ ICU beds that was pushed up to 400+ for COVID. If there are only 82 COVID cases in ICU how many non COVID are there. Not too many I would guess which is worrying in itself as people are not going to hospital for other ailments. It looks like we are well under normal capacity.

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Johnny Turk…

Nothing at all fascist about being grilled by police on your way to the shop…

Most fellas were on the wind up originally but now everyone agrees with them. It’s fascinating to observe

So New Zealand wait until they have it under control and then open it up. Logical enough you’d think.

Meanwhile in another island nation…

I suppose asking people to fill in a non mandatory form is a step up from handing them a leaflet .

Interesting findings that were again ignored. A positive from this Virus is they may keep the increased capacity. As regards other alignments, my GFs father had to go into a&e in the mercy yesterday. He was in and out on 3 hours including waiting on blood test results. Place was dead bar him and some alco off the street.

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Hi Elon.

You can see the weak starting to crack. Not officer status.

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I’d be concerned that one or two lads might actually be serious

What were you going to buy and why

Ah great point in fairness

You can see from the meak lads on here how easily a dictator can take over the country



Ferguson will be lynched before this is over, if that’s even a little bit true it’s terrifying.

That’s shocking if true. Borderline criminal

You wouldn’t expect something published by an organization called to be in anyway questionable.


Oh no, completely unbiased you’d have to think :smiley:

The British gemtrails.

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Some fellas cant break out of that colonial thinking, they see a piece written by some English boffin and take it all at face value. Its fascinating to watch.