Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It was written by someone who worked on google maps. Omfg. :crazy_face:


Is TFK not

We’re going to be twinning with them soon.

Vindication for Brenda

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Its just been extended.

Leo making accusations of being two faced by mentioning Trump, the same Trump whos hole he was licking in Washington when his own country was hitting the wall with Covid. Ah ya.

Two options - a shit rehearsed line, or he was rattled and came out with that guff. It doesn’t even make sense. It reminds me of the Jeff Stelling / Charlie Nicholas clip that does the rounds.

That cunt of a man Ivan Yates was giving out about this yesterday. He’s doing that old trick of focusing completely on the tiny percent of people getting more money on the 350 than they were before as he’s knows every single person thinks that’s ridiculous. You can tell he’s against the whole concept tho.
Would love if someone pointed out to him that the reason the covid payment is higher is that these workers are (according to the govt anyway) actually saving lives by giving up their right to work.

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Is Sinn Féin’s Covid-19 stance that the relaxation of lockdown measures as announced is too aggressive, that some form of lockdown should continue until there are zero cases in the country and everyone impacted should get €350 per week until eternity even if it means that there will be no jobs or society to return to? How could you vote for these idiots?

Time for MLMD to go… aside from a backlash against the establishment FG/RIC in the last election, she’s had a bad 14 months or so.

She comes across as genuine when speaking and i’m sure a lot of people are drawn in by that, especially when the alternatives are robot Leo and Mick the dullard … but she’s not sharp enough on the spot and her policies to date have been half baked.

I like Mary Lou but she’s not balaclava class as the man says.

Ivan Yates the failed bookmaker who went bankrupt.


I still think Pearse is best in the nitty gritty, in the trenches, picking apart rival policies. Another likeable figurehead type with a bit of punch is what’s required as leader. Dessie Ellis, your time is now.


Can’t wait to have my pay slashed to pay for this.

Bring back Gerry.

I actually think that academic looking chap Eoin O’Broin is better and quicker at detecting bullshit than Doherty. He comes across that way to me at least.
Pearse is a bit prone to waffling and using his hands when not fully certain of what’s next.
O’Broin is more forensic and persuasive.

Absolutely shocking, the fate of the world’s economy decided by programmers who can’t program.

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Both are excellent in my book. Although O Broin’s Twitter brainfart recently has me worried. You don’t want SF top brass* being humiliated by a lad off the ff junior b team.


What was this?

SF need to get Lynn Boylan elected and front and centre also, she’s well able.

O’Broin is getting a bit cocky these days it would seem from afar - certainly looking to create a cult of personality around himself. It’s hard to know whether it was the book or the election that blew up his ego.

In every Rock boy, no much how much they disguise it in man of the people schtick, there’s a Rock boy deep down.

Twitter disagreement with James Lawless ff of kildare. O Broin threw out outrageous figures for housing costs, got called out, doubled down, got called out, deleted, disappeared for 24 hours before coming back with utter nonsense which he subsequently deleted. Think I got that all right.
It was documented on here at the time by @Tim_Riggins, who many wouldn’t agree with, but it linked to the tweets. It was very poor from Eoin tbf