Coronavirus - Close the Airports

they are making it up as they go along

The quality of candidate elected has been less then stellar to say the least. On mature reflection I may have given my No 2 vote to a bit of a dimwit

Your judgment of late hasn’t been great. Don’t feel bad. Shake it off.

It’s been razor sharp as always. If I do make a mistake I’m not going to cower from it like some

I know, I see you here posting away and all I can is, I respect the hell out of that bastard. You see so many run off and rebrand but you own it.

Who are you again?

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You remember that when called as a witness

Hard to rate a lad on his performance from speaking about current housing crisis . Its an open goal…

Classic TFK playbook. Textbook. :clap:


Hold the line.

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29 deaths

137 cases

115 of those 137 new cases are related to residential care homes.

It’s done we’ll be supping my mid June :pint:


No sign of Jemima from the Western News at today’s briefing so far.

Ireland! Ireland! Ireland!

What are the figures like for the Tans today ?


Hold the line.


Ole ole ole

Anagram of

Leo Leo Leo

That cannot be a coincidence surely.

Curve has been destroyed
Just need to kept it up for a bit longer and then Dr Tony can further ease things

Cmon Ireland

Hold the line

That would be Ivan 73k pension cuntbag Yates?