Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Game over. Whatever justification there was for the lockdown is now surely gone

Nearly there lads.We have this thing licked, imagine if everybody had been on board we’d be playing championship this stage.Selfish cunts.


Varadkar confirms today that the virus was in Ireland in December. Last week, the head of the junta categorically denied that there was a case in Ireland before 29th February.

These cunts haven’t notion and are bullshitting the Irish people.

We are at war with Eurasia, we have always been at war with Eurasia.


All we need to do now is cancel the Galway races and the job is oxo

It’s over. RTÉ news at six have a piece now on pigeon fanciers. Stop the Pigeon.


It would be all wrapped by now if it wasn’t for the crowd that went to Cheltenham.


I feel good about the news today. I haven’t in months. There are still poor creatures losing their lives in a horrible way every day but I’m proud of Ireland today. Cast aside your own politics, and keep following guidelines.

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Liam is jumping on the bandwagon!!

The Limerick crowd and bandwagons mate :joy:


All nursing homes were tested and finished at weekend. Those numbers now filtering through I assume. We will see a drop over the next week

Hope none of their great grandchildren write letters to Simon Harris

  • Sinn Féin TD Ruairí Ó Murchú has claimed 26 people have now died in Dealgan House nursing home in Dundalk, Co Louth, due to Covid-19.

Speaking in the Dáil this evening, Deputy Ó Murchú said he had seen figures in relation to the nursing home.

Last month the RCSI hospital group took over the operational management of the private nursing home after an outbreak of the virus.

In a statement, the hospital group said the arrangement would be in place until the end of this month, when a review would then be carried out.

In the Dáil this evening, Deputy Ó Murchú paid tribute to staff at the nursing home.

He’s also called for a full investigation at the home.

Shur we’ve been at it for years. Why stop now?

Assume & we will…

Numbers are going well down. Another month should kill this.

Louth nursing home has recorded 26 deaths from Covid-19, says Sinn Féin TD

A full investigation is needed for the slow reaction to shittomg nursing homes

Are we letting them Eastasia cunts away with it now?

Nursing home near us has had no case. Had an awful row with HSE who were insisting on sending in some staff (which the NH didnt want or need) to oversee the place. They got their way anyway and HSE left them at it. They were shitting it that the HSE staff would bring it on before them


@anon7035031, is this lady an American Gemma O’Doherty?

covid talk starts around 11 mins