Coronavirus - Close the Airports


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This is the lad the Shinners on here were putting all of their faith in

Is Jennifer a health correspondent?

Paddy can’t be overly busy organising parties for nerds

Sent. Home. Tae. In. His. Mug.

I’m looking forward to us nationalising the Web Summit.

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Paddy fairly reeled her in there.


It’s interesting that with football teams returning to training in countries like Germany and Italy that there is quite a few players and staff testing positive in the mandatory testing for the virus without any symptoms.

When you couple that up with people who had it with no symptoms but and having it pass then if immunity is real, this could be a lot further down the road.

Meanwhile science runs around chasing its tail while the whole world is in a shit heap.

Any time you want, science. :rollseyes:


Journalists are up there with teachers when it comes to self-preservation of the absolutely useless.


Any positive news from anywhere today?

Jennifer is one of those inane lifestyle correspondents who write about the trivia of life in weekend magazines. She is from Waterford and I saw her in Ardkeen stores a couple of weeks ago.

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I got strong white flour in the supermarket.


We won’t bother. It’s finished. Who’s going to be paying a few grand to attend a Zoom party of geeks?


Need to save the workers jobs and T&Cs. The workers know best. They can transition the company.

Sports being let back to training from Monday over here but no group changing and has to be all non-contact, everyone 2 metres apart, less than 20 people.

The lad in front of me in the queue for SuperValu had the Covid but has recovered from it. His mother didn’t catch it which is as well because she is immunocompromised. The mother was telling all this to the lady in front of her who she knew while I was backing away as surreptitiously as I could happy that I was wearing a mask and gloves.


Video has been removed by YouTube :joy: No opposing views allowed in the brave New World.

I don’t know that much about her. She wouldn’t be the first or last scientist to have lost their minds.

Terrific use of the word surreptitiously there.

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I watched it, it’s a work of art. Great editing, misrepresenting of speeches etc. It’s fantastic, she claims she made a big breakthrough in aids but the Government wouldn’t let her tell the World and Robert Gallo stole her work.
I mean no evidence whatsoever was presented to back this up, but then EVIDENCE is over rated when you can have pregnant pauses, knowing looks and music changes

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