Coronavirus - Close the Airports

27 deaths

156 cases


Right direction. Drive it now

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Vast majority of deaths appear to be in nursing homes. A high level inquest needed on how it got so bad. Deaths below 50 is very low and probably related to other conditions.

Open up the country ta fuck

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Death rate of over 18% in 60+ age groups

Don’t be stupid.

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Let the young people off out to fuck

From what I’ve seen in my estate, the young people have rebelled. Gangs of them walking around for the first time in two months…

There’s four young lads playing soccer on the green near me all day every day the last week solid. I’ve never seen them kick a ball before, they must have over dosed on the internet.

Great to see reminds me of my own youth. I’d love to stand in with them for an hour myself.


Of confirmed cases approx 7500 cases and 1350 deaths

The confirmed case figure is a load of shite, so you can’t make comparisons or derive percentages off it.


No deaths up to 35 and 15 deaths from 35 to 50. The answer is clearly to close schools and universities, cancel exams, and impose mandatory unemployment on half the population of working age people.


It’s still very high.

The powers that be have failed the elderly badly here.

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If my sums are right (assuming all the * = 5), the mortality rate for under 45s is 0.003%?


It’s lower given that there are likely thousands of unconfirmed cases

And what you want to compare to total population? We’ve no idea on total infected and no method ready for use at the moment but it’s an indicator to where the problem is and who’s the highest risk. Why bother cancelling the LC and closing schools rather than implementing measures to allowing schools open,eave people go back to work and put measures around the risk groups?
Again give leeway to people under 60 that are at risk or risk those people in those groups from continuing to cocoon? Based on personal responsibility and situation. This lockdown is not needed and the roadmap timelines can be pulled in

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It’s probably way lower as I’m counting a possible 31 deaths in under 45s when it’s probably closer to 15 deaths.

The over 70s are the ones who really need to mind themselves :pray:

83 people dead in 10 weeks under the age of 65. More people will have died from suicide in that Age bracket during this period I’d imagine. I think we usually have one suicide death a day. I would be surprised if it’s not higher during lock dow.


The biggest problem now is because they felt they had to emphasise how dangerous and serious the virus was to get people to comply that most parents will be terrified to send their children back to school.

I know of a person who was tested lately because they work in a nursing home. A week later and still no result. That’s hardly going to help things